• Death_Equity@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    Power goes out, people start doing dumb things for profit or survival, people get wronged by those actions and respond with violence, violence begets violence, fear grows, paranoia grows, violence becomes more likely with less provocation, welcome the lord of the flies to the concrete jungle.

    The national guard would get called in and martial law would happen before the tribal wars could really kick off but there would be racially motivated violence all the same, as is tradition.

    • Mirshe@lemmy.world
      20 days ago

      But this assumes that people in survival or emergency situations are only going to look for themselves. In fact, in almost every emergency situation where there’s been a breakdown of emergency infrastructure, the exact opposite happens - it just doesn’t get reported on by the big outlets.

      After Katrina, for instance, you heard “oh there was a huge rape and murder pit in the Superdome” on several news outlets. The​ Superdome was actually used by survivors as an ad-hoc camp, and the only armed people there were making sure people DIDN’T get hurt like that. People with boats went on sorties into the flooded city to get people back to the Superdome, where they had food and cots and medical care. The only real “looting” was for medical supplies, food, and things to help people SURVIVE, not luxury goods, and many tried not to scavenge in areas or businesses that couldn’t take it - Walmart could deal with a couple dozen missing sleeping bags, small businesses in the area would definitely miss that medication though.

      It turns out humanity, in an emergency situation, left to their own devices, GENERALLY will choose to help other people first rather than hurting them. Research has shown that this will to help is fairly deep-seated in most people, and it tends to fall apart when societal pressure is reapplied - in the case of Katrina, that camp fell apart pretty soon after the National Guard and police started shooting anyone who was “looting”, no matter what they were taking.

    • Num10ck@lemmy.world
      21 days ago

      the national guard would arrive in the 10-20,000 group size fully armed and positioned within 72 hours, anywhere in the US. every vehicle and phone in the area fully tracked and cross referenced.

      • Death_Equity@lemmy.world
        21 days ago

        They would trickle in, securing based on priority and needs, coming to full deployment in 72 hours. Problems after grid failure would manifest in hours. The Nasty Girls wouldn’t be in place fast enough to stop everything, but they would be ready before things could get near the racists’ wet dream.

        Obviously, the single celled intelligence of overnight race war instigators can’t plan anything more complex than when to breathe next; so they can’t possibly fathom the real world series of events that would follow their fantasy big-brain master plans.