Mark down March 3, 2025. That was the day Wall Street finally realized that US President Donald Trump was serious about tariffs. On Monday, the S&P 500 fell nearly 2 percent as Trump confirmed what we at the Atlantic Council predicted in February—that the tariffs on Canada and Mexico were not mere threats, but actually likely to be implemented. The stock markets continued to fall on Tuesday as investors processed the news.
I don’t think I’m gonna be wrong about this, but I bet that all of the points that were lost in the Dow Jones and the NASDAQ and the S&P 500 index funds will probably be recovered within the next couple of days because companies will remember that in order to keep all their money all they have to do is raise the prices on everything….
Higher prices push down number of units sold… And push buyers outside of the US, to avoid the US products.
A lot of people are maxed out on their credit cards already. A mass CC default isn’t too far off without massive the increases.
I wouldn’t want this for the families, but I would love to see major credit card companies and banks, default and crash
Not because I think it would fix the economy, but because I think they’re stupid for not seeing that high prices, high inflation, tax tariffs and then a lot of borrowing from the public is exactly what happened right before the big crashes in the 1920s 
Yeah, but let’s consider what happens:
That’s why the Dow Jones and S&P are lower - this shrinks company profits and US GDP.
But the tariffs also pay the tax cuts that allow rich people to spend more and to invest more.
We saw how the stock market had nothing to do with the actual economic situation during Covid. While all indicators went down, stocks still went up.
As long as the core principal “US oligarchs get to profit of poorer people in the US and abroad” stays in place, probably the stock values will recover.
The wealthy don’t use their own money to do anything. They use their capital, to back loans, that they then loan to a corporation they created, in return for monthly fees from the corporation (To pay the loan), plus payment back as a loan.
This protects the person from any risk, as the corporation now has all the risk of repayment, and the individual has no risk in it.
But the covid situation is way worse than you think. The government stimulus was really helpful to the poor and middle class, but they spent all that money.
And who profited from that? The asset owners. Covid stimulus essentially was a direct transfer from the government to company owners and house rentals. These rich guys then used it to buy other assets such as more houses, equities and businesses. That’s why the stock market went up - your money went straight into it.
No. That assumes the US cannot operate on a deficit. It can and will. We don’t “fund” tax cuts unless someone responsible is overseeing the budget.
Not to mention, every billionaire has their money in the market somehow, they don’t have Scrooge McDuck gold piles. Inflation and market losses erode their money just like it erodes ours. Perhaps even more.
COVID resulted in a marked recession for the global economy, and the US was no exception. But people still had money and spent it regularly, so it didn’t freefall the entire time and at times had rallies. The US stock market is mostly run by a series of competing trading algorithms with tight guardrails these days, for better and for worse. Generally though it does mean that modern nose-dives rarely result in true crashes.
There wasn’t up and downs during Covid. There was a big dip at the beginning followed by a huge increase, lasting well into 2022, despite all the measures, recession and GDP going down. What reduced the index was the increase in interest rates.
The financial markets are strongly detached from the real economy.
Voodoo Donuts > Voodoo economics
I think someone else here said it, but because he keeps making threats, then retracting them, then making them, then retracting them again, I wonder if it’s basically insider trading being done by donvict and his oligarchs.
That was a theory I saw floating on the news yesterday too
Until no one can afford their stuff and drop it. Capitalism is hitting the inevitable point where infinite growth is impossible as it involves making the customers poorer which is not exactly great for business.
Yes however have the poors tried not being poor?
Yes, but they keep saying that the only way to do it is by having strong unions, workers’ rights, and are demanding higher pay. Higher pay! Like we’re made of money!
I think what’s happening is that the finance people are finally realizing that the long term implications of this shit are going to be absolutely catastrophic. So sure, there’s probably gonna be a bunch of spikes as HFT farms spike demand. But medium- to long-term, shits fucked.
I lurk on the bogleheads subreddit. Some of the people seem to have a fair bit of money they are trying to save and build with. I’m quite sure more than a few may be multi-millionaires. I’ve seen several threads where they are genuinely concerned about the possible destruction donvict and his dogebags are doing, and are planning.
Things like - completely fucking the bond market for one. Destroying FDIC. Ending the dollar as a worldwide reserve currency.
Hell, they probably used this as a time to do some quick stock buybacks on the cheap.
I almost feel like this was the intention. Bring the stocks down so his billionaire buddies can buy up more shares and then wait for the market to come back up. It’s effectively stock market manipulation, but now it’s protected because they can argue it’s an “official act”.
It honestly is suspicious the lack of drop to a greater extent, almost like they’re taking to DOGE cuts and federal firings and artificially keeping the market up with stock buy backs