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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • What the entire fuck are you talking about? There are standards for medical ethics, and this doctor ignored all of them. Vaccines and antibiotics are methodically tested on animals before they are tested on humans. They are tested with informed consent, and in scientifically rigorous conditions.

    This doctor modified the genes of unborn embryos in the hopes of creating children who are immune to HIV. He took three discarded embryos, edited their genes, and then implanted them in a womb to be born.

    We’ve done similar animal testing, but medical science is nowhere near declaring such interventions as safe for human trials.

    The doctor is declaring it a success because the children he created in a lab for the purposes of experimentation have grown up healthy so far, and at 5 years old are showing no adverse effects from the gene editing he did on them.

    I think you haven’t read the article. He’s not curing infants of genetic disorders. That’s one hypothetical application of his intervention, but that wasn’t the experiment. He’s trying to make them immune to a virus. Is he going to try to infect them with the virus? Can’t really be sure if it worked with just a blood sample, after all.

    It’s weird that I have to even argue this with somebody. Who defends this guy?

  • We’re at the restaurant. The waiter is walking towards the table. The menu is in front of you. It’s the dry chicken, or a rusty fork in your eye. Those are the choices. You don’t have to like it, but you will choose or the choice will be made for you. You can complain to the chef, but if you don’t order the dry chicken, you will get the rusty fork stabbed into your eye. You can demand we go to a better restaurant next time, but right now you’re either going to eat some dry chicken and look for ways to make the best of that situation, or someone is going to stab your eye with a mangled fork that is almost certainly covered in tetanus.

    When Harris is President, and Trump is in jail, we shall discuss the next election. Until then, you’re either with Harris or you’re with Trump.

    Remember, this is what Conservatives are good at. They don’t bitch and moan that their candidates aren’t perfect. They bitch and moan that reality isn’t what they want, and consistently demand that politicians cater to their brand of narcissism. Conservatives have installed acolytes at every level of government, in every judicial system across the country, on every school board and election board. They have achieved this by unwavering devotion to make the world benefit themselves at every turn. They have lost more battles than they have won, but they don’t need to win every time. They just need reasonable people to grow tired and give in a little. That’s how you end up controlling six Supreme Court Justices, two of the three most populous states, and most of the religious institutions in the country.

  • I welcome her efforts, and agree with her that Trump is a cancer upon the party.

    But Trump is not some invader to the party come to conquer. He is the natural product of a brand of political narcissism that she’s supported and espoused her entire public life. She’s like a tobacco executive with metastatic lung cancer, who has suddenly realized that cancer is bad but doesn’t think people need to stop smoking. They just need to cut out the cancer, and then they can go back to enjoying the smooth taste of Conservativism.

    She’s brave to go against the party. She’s smart to recognize the opportunity she has to reclaim control of the GOP by helping Kamala and the Dems. If Trump loses, and the Dems take the House and Senate, she can point to the loss and say “See, I told you so.” But anyone that falls for that line has a very short memory.