I take my shitposts very seriously.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • …except manage the game’s environment, download and install local files and updates, validate those files to make sure they’re not compromised, provide an API for service integration in games, manage middleware like Gamescope or Wine…

    It would be like banning all loud and annoying freight trucks inside city limits, and then wondering why food doesn’t show up in stores anymore.

  • What is a “typical VM”?

    Qubes uses the type-1 Xen hypervisor that runs at a similar privilege to the kernel of other OSes. KVM is a type-1 hypervisor implemented as a Linux kernel module. VirtualBox is a type-2 hypervisor that runs in userspace. Of these three, Xen is the most performant hypervisor because virtualization is all it does.

    If by “typical VM” you mean a guest OS running inside a window of the host OS, then Qubes will always come out on top because the graphics pipeline is much less of a bottleneck.

  • Is it? Or are you mixing up “demographic” with “ethnicity”? People who are raised in an environment that does not promote individual thought (like overly religious or politically one-sided groups, or any setting where tribal mentality is dominant) will not have access to the same quality of information, and will likely be subjected to some kind of indoctrination. Adoption of the group’s ideals may be forced by societal pressure, and resistance may be met with punishment. A child exposed to a constant rhetoric about how “those dang dirty democrats are stealing our tax dollars and lying about everything, believe your daddy” and no way to confirm or deny it will likely grow up to be an adult repeating that rhetoric. I know because I used to be like that, and it took massive conscious effort to unlearn it.

    Also, I literally only know of Osho from that one clip and have no interest in researching a religious leader, reason above.

  • This. I’ve had issues at work while imaging classroom computers where some would finish in ~30 minutes and a few would need hours. All of the computers used Cat6 cables. This being a classroom, and students being absolute wankbags, they kept yanking the computers and kicking the cables, so the wires came loose from the plugs. I later used ethtool to debug the slow computers – the switch would only allow 10baseT link modes.