And always gonna be. Go cry about it some more

    1 month ago

    Because an expansive universe lore is enjoyable if it’s coherent and there are stakes at play. If you consider the official canon, voyager as a series is pretty much to throw away, because the Federation would already have the technology to bring them home centuries ago.

    This sounds like a very good argument not to care about canon. You, who care about canon, are bothered that two shows made 20 years apart by different creative teams have a little friction with each other. I, who don’t stress about canon, am able to accept both shows’ premises on their own terms and enjoy them for what they are.

      1 month ago

      I mean, I am glad you and other people are able to enjoy the show also given the inconsistencies, but the question I tried to answer was why people cared about canon and coherence. It might not be important for you, but from what I can see, it looks like it matters for a lot of people, especially in a show that except for TOS and maybe a little of the first season of TNG, tried really hard to stay coherent with itself, in the bad and the good.

      You can’t really blame a show for not being coherent in their early days, but once stuff is established, you can expect faithful fans to be mad about disrupting an expansive narrative.