An 81-year-old Montana man is expected to be sentenced for using tissue and testicles from large sheep hunted in Central Asia and the U.S. to illegally create hybrid sheep for captive trophy hunts in Texas and Minnesota.
it bears a striking resemblance to the story behind Africanized honey bees.
the risk is the same as any other international transport and release of a non native species; invasive species that damage the ecosystem. that these are creatures that don’t exist anywhere and don’t have a native habitat just makes them that much harder to predict. this was all clearly done without any thoughts about the repercussions or how to avoid them.
I was reading and rereading that bad article to figure out what the problem was. Thanks for that.
it bears a striking resemblance to the story behind Africanized honey bees.
the risk is the same as any other international transport and release of a non native species; invasive species that damage the ecosystem. that these are creatures that don’t exist anywhere and don’t have a native habitat just makes them that much harder to predict. this was all clearly done without any thoughts about the repercussions or how to avoid them.