• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • There is a reasonable amount of time that could be considered with post history as demonstrating you aren’t a bot, but 16 days just ain’t it. You made the claim about your post history as evidence, I responded to YOUR claim based on a whopping 16 days worth of comments.

    You are still fully disconnected from reality and reason. Your arrogance seems to drive your ego.

    I didn’t look up your profile, my mobile app automatically puts a tag next to a username on any new user with the number of days the account has existed. You’re not that important or interesting.

    I’ve never voted out of fear and never will. It’s an easy choice to not vote for Jill Stein when I don’t let cognitive dissonance blind me to her Putin associations. My strategy is always to vote in favor of People rather than Politics.

  • Believe it or not, mocking people out of the gate with no context can be construed as being an asshole bully.

    I’m fully open to the idea that its not a conspiracy at all, but you’re too interested in a chance to mock ideas rather than ask or explore anything that diverts from your apparent need to punch down.

    This is a common theme for you and has been for a long time on here, one minute you seem to see yourself as a victim of bullies and even come to others defense, but the next minute you are attacking those you assume are outside of your bubble of belief while pretending sarcastic mocking excuses blithe arrogance.

    This isnt Reddit, why continue to bring that sort of vitriol here?