I wanted to get printer photo paper for my printer, a Canon. I went to Walmart, They had nothing. Went to Target, they had one pack of photo paper and it was crazy expensive, so I went to micro center. That one was just as expensive. So finally I went back to Amazon, which I was trying to avoid, and saw the price 25 to 40% lower than anywhere I had been. Literally everything that I was looking for, I could find within seconds. Not even Best buy has even close to the amount of inventory or variety, even when you’re shopping online…

Therefore, I think Amazon has a literal monopoly in the tech industry right now, you’re literally forced to buy from them, because unless you have the money and financial fortitude to protest with your wallet, you’re going to be buying from them. There’s no other choice. They have so aggressively and dominantly taken over the supply chain market that no other tech company can currently compete with them in any aspect at all. You will be paying 40 to 50% more on everything by cutting out Amazon, and no one has the money for that anymore unless you’re upper middle class or above

  • Crashumbc@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    Amazon has very good deals OR very bad ones. I find Microcenter often equal to or even better than Amazon in most tech stuff.

    Your experience is exactly why you shouldn’t make sweeping judgement on one data point.

    1. Photo paper isn’t really tech. It’s a supply.

    2. It’s a low volume niche item.

    3. People that are buying it are less likely to care about cost (older) or want it right now. So Microcenter feels they can charge more. (IMO)

    • jj4211@lemmy.world
      23 days ago

      Was about to say, the last few times I have bought something, Amazon was actually the more expensive choice. Once we looked at them to buy some grocery type products and they were just absolutely horribly expensive compared to any local grocer.

      • Crashumbc@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        Funny you mention grocery type items. That’s where I first noticed how bad Amazon can price gouge. Sometimes 3-4 times what the price should be.