The teen girl without a permanent home who was forced to don jail garb, wear handcuffs and ask for mercy after falling asleep in a courtroom is suing the Detroit judge who had her taken into custody.

Eva Goodman, 15, and her mother filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday in U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Michigan against 36th District Judge Kenneth King. They allege he violated the teen’s civil rights, arguing King acted outside the scope of his judicial authority when he detained her, yelled at her and threatened her with jail time.

      26 days ago

      One of our orderlies said he thought I was a dick until he realized I only have one social personality and everybody gets the exact same treatment whether it’s my bosses boss or my homeless psych patient with charges. I have pretty much 0 grasp on social cues, but I will absolutely wipe your ass if I can see that you genuinely need it. It was one of the better compliments I’ve ever gotten and honestly I think one of the biggest reasons I get along with most of my patients better than people who can’t understand that mindset.