Eighteen percent believe there is “a covert government effort” for the pop icon to help President Biden win re-election, according to a Monmouth University survey.
YMMV. There’s definitely parts of the state that haven’t been driving insane by drive-time talk radio and Baptist ministers screaming for the blood of migrant day laborers. But we’re also talking about a place that churned out D. C. Stephenson, Bruce Alger, and Rick Perry. The ratfuckery runs deep and isn’t particularly new.
Was Texas always this bad?
YMMV. There’s definitely parts of the state that haven’t been driving insane by drive-time talk radio and Baptist ministers screaming for the blood of migrant day laborers. But we’re also talking about a place that churned out D. C. Stephenson, Bruce Alger, and Rick Perry. The ratfuckery runs deep and isn’t particularly new.
I’ll just say that Texas is a land of contrasts.