• 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • accusations against “high profile” people shouldn’t just be taken as proof

    Yeah. I find it highly suspicious that a guy who got famous for being the loudest misogynist on YouTube would be accused of practicing what he preaches. This would be like if someone accused Mike Tyson of hitting him. Or Tucker Carlson of lying. Or Ben Affleck cheating on his wife. Or OJ Simpson of committing a murder.

    You have to take this shit with a huge boulder of salt, because… come on. What are the odds?

    I hope the truth comes to light

    Hearts out to all those possibly wrongfully accused rapists and sex traffickers. Andrew Tate, Harvey Weinstein, Neil Gaiman, Ron Jeremy. Really hope we can clear aside the dozens and dozens of testimonials from people accusing them of wrongdoing and find a piece of evidence I won’t casually dismiss.

  • there’s a world of difference between how much damage someone can do with a knife vs someone with a gun.

    Sure. But you can play this game with lots of things. A fertilizer bomb can do far more harm than a hand gun. A shiv is more deadly than a fist.

    By all means, regulate away. But the scary thing, at it’s root, is the individual who has decided to throw their life away on some El Paso Walmart killing spree. Selling hand grades at Target won’t make anyone any safer. But it’s the media screaming about Latino Invasion and White Genocide that’s got people really worked up to begin with.

  • Nikki Haley couldn’t win the GOP primary for the same reason Kamala Harris couldn’t win the Dem Primary. They’ve got these very fancy resumes built up through a lifetime of insider political brown-nosing and horse trading. But they were still trapped under the glass ceiling, by organizers and mega-donors that don’t respect women.

    Hilary - for all her flaws - did “crack the glass ceiling” by hitting a critical mass of insider support that women, up until this point, hadn’t enjoyed. That won Harris a place on Biden’s ticket four years later as a kind-of concession to the PUMAs. But Haley was never going to manage it, because the racism and misogyny in her party is that much thicker. There is no large active feminist wing of the Republican Party.

    I don’t think the GOP is realistically going to be able to put up a woman candidate unless the base of the party is drastically altered. Democrat insiders tolerate women, begrudgingly. Republicans hate them at a biblical level.

  • Restrictive gun laws and ban shit.

    I don’t have the power to do this. Only the politicians owned and operated by the gun lobby have this power, and they’ve been moving us in reverse.

    Fuck 2A and all the assholes screaming about them.

    I don’t think shoving my dick through a hole in the 2nd Amendment is going to do anything to reduce gun crime. I certainly don’t think trying to shove my dick into a guy screaming about 2A rights is going to fix things.

    fuck the constitution. It needs revising.

    It is very difficult to redefine the Constitution via legal channels. Especially if you’re just some angry internet guy. You’d need enormous sums of money, a willing media, and a political class that responds to social pressure.

    And even when guys like Mike Bloomberg enjoyed most of that, they failed to achieve more than local reforms thanks to the aggressive partisan pushback from conservatives in his old party.

  • Germany wants to get tough on knife crime with stricter laws

    shrug Definitely better than people being able to walk out of a 7/11 with a pair of 9mms, I suppose.

    But at some level, this is a people problem, too. Social anxiety inflamed by fascist social media. A 24-hr news cycle that tells people they are being immiserated by evil foreigners. School bullying in buildings where you’ve got 40-60 student class sizes and teachers with barely more than a six-month certificate expected to manage the room. Rising rates of malnutrition, homelessness, and general poverty. And this endless deluge of people telling one another “The civil war is happening any day now”.

    You’re going to have people freak out as a result. This is a pressure cooker of a social system and climate change is only going to make things worse. Whether its gun crime or knife crime or people just trying to bite one another in fits of rage, the volume of hate we’ve ingested combined with the commercialized scapegoating of anyone we’re told its okay not to like means… Violence. You’re going to get more violence.

  • Reminded of Ted Cruz running around the House and whipping opposition to a government funding deal ten years ago. This led to the historic shutdown of 2013 - the third longest in history - which lasted 16 days and furloughed 800,000 state employees while leaving another 1.3M with delayed paychecks. It was one of the proximate causes of the 2014 downturn and was explicitly listed as the reason for US Government Debt being downgraded to AA from AAA by a number of major private credit agencies.

    Four years later, similar tactics under the entirely Republican dominated legislature lead to a 35-day shutdown in 2018. This daisy-chained into the COVID crisis of 2019/2020, sparking a series of flash-crashes and then a final economic plunge in February as the pandemic death toll was swelling and hospitals filled up.

    All that is to say, this isn’t a “Trump” thing. Republicans hate the government, love shutdowns, and don’t really care who it hurts so long as it wins them some ideological victories. And while you can definitely argue that the 2014 and 2018 shutdowns hurt their election prospects in subsequent years, what they really salvaged from these fights was permanent reductions in the scope of the federal workforce combined with significant shifts in national priorities (federal debt reduction overtaking climate change and health care reform as top-line priorities).

    The Republicans have found a way to extract long term concessions from the federal government via some short-term incumbency defeats. And since they always bounce back as a party, and these incumbents always go on to cushy gigs in the private sector after falling on their swords in the political arena, I’ve got to say that it appears to be a winning strategy in the end.

    Trump may lose the Presidency, but Trumpism as a policy appears to have cemented itself within the GOP Congressional majority. Democrats still don’t seem to have a remedy for the decay these shutdowns cause, nor do they seem particularly opposed to the privatization that fills in the gaps these shutdowns create.