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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Harris would have it in the bag. Haley is a true believer in pro-life policies in a way that would really turn off independents. Haley is an absolutely awful national candidate and can only really thrive in regions where Christianity has a death grip on the electorate.

    Trump’s agnosticism is actually one of his political strengths - it should be a weakness with his base but for some reason he’s viewed as the second coming of jesus fucking christ and I really don’t understand how the fuck those delusional religious folks managed to square that in their mind. Especially when it was Biden vs. Trump with Biden being a deeply religious and non-shitty Catholic.

    The GOP is seriously unhinged right now… and every GOP politician who has called that out has been instantly destroyed… that’s actually another contrast of this article - Pelosi openly and really fucking brazenly called for Biden to step down, Johnson, Scalise… fucking McCarthy? Those clowns would never dare because unless they act as a group it’s political suicide.

  • The majority of people who objected to Biden were Democrats that wanted a better candidate because we were afraid that Biden would lose to Trump. The majority of Republicans can’t conceive of a universe where Trump ever loses an election so there hasn’t been an equivalently loud push on the GOP side.

    Also, while I’d personally rather Trump be off the ballot entirely a fair chunk of democratic voters seem to think we’re better off with Trump on the GOP ballot than someone who is younger and may be better able to seem less openly deplorable. I disagree with that notion and also think Trump should step down because any chance that he wins the election is too high of a chance.

    Basically, this article is drawing an equivalence between two very different situations.