Just another Reddit refugee

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • @Gaspan made a good list. I would like to add a few more points.

    • Make a list of some applications which you use regularly
    • Either search if the applications work on Linux OR see if they have Linux alternative. You can just post the list here and ask the community

    Also, get into a mindset of learning. I know you are used to Windows for decades now, but now you are switching to a new OS. It will be bumpy at first but you will get used to it; do not fear it! Imagine switching from a car to a bike. You have to invest a little time in learning. Once you get used to it, it’s smooth riding all the way. Best of luck!!

    Source: Windows user of 2 decades converted to Linux.