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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • There are proper procedures for these sorts of experiments that were not followed.

    No amount of domain knowledge offsets malpractice, which is factually what occurred here, regardless of outcome.

    Just because I have significant experience in systems engineering and administration, and we have no testing environment that would work as an accurate “clone” of reality, doesn’t mean that I just get to ignore proper procedure and make changes to my work environment as I wish.

    Even when I have the knowledge to know the risks, potential problems, can map out the potential outcomes, etc. I still have to follow proper procedure. Sometimes that means creating test scenarios to approximate reality, sometimes that means that I simply cannot move forward until a suitable testing environment exists.

    Either way, as a knowledgable professional, there are proper processes that must be followed.

    These are much more dire in the realm of medicine than computers.

    Personally, my metric for “success” on this is when they die of old age with no complications that could possibly be related to the genetic manipulation. Is your metric so low that the fact they have no reported complications this early in life means success?

    If he had not been successful would you be as defensive of him? The children are still children, with a lifetime of potential complications left that may or may not occur.

  • Just a note, the collection title is a little misleading now that more games in the series have come out.

    This includes Zero (prequel to the original series), Kiwami 1 and 2 (remakes of the first two), 3-5 remastered, and 6 (the original ending of the original series starring Kiryu). Seven meaty brawler games with absolutely cracked side content. Great stuff, good value.

    That said, it does not include the new releases from Like a Dragon onward: Like a Dragon (turn based with a new protag), The Man who Erased his Name (side game with the brawler style of the originals, about original protag Kiryu coming back from “retirement”), or Inifinite Wealth (latest game in the turn based style, with a storyline crossover between the new protag and Kiryu, the old protag).

    It also does not include the two “Judgement” spinoff games, brawler style games where you play as a detective in the same universe (these never got non-console releases).

    Or any of the other even more obscure spinoff brawler games (most never saw release outside of Japan). Multiple “Yakuza but set in ancient history” games (one got a remaster released in the US), one “What if Fist of the North Star got a Yakuza brawler game” that is PS4 only (with a US release, hooray), and two PSP only games from Japan starring a side character in between the first six games (I think there are fan translations for these).

    Just figured that might trip up anyone new to this great series that has a hell of a lot more games to it than most realize.

  • PowerShell variable names and function names are not case sensitive.

    I understand the conventions of using capitalization of those names having specific meanings in regards to things like constants, but the overwhelming majority of us all use IDEs now with autocomplete.

    Personally, I prefer to use prefixes anyway to denote that info. Works better with segmenting stuff for autocomplete, and has less overhead of deriving non-explicit meaning from stuff like formatting or capitalization choices.

    On top of that, you really shouldn’t be using variables with the same name but different capitalization in the same sections of code anyway. “Did I mean to use $AGE, $Age, or $age here?” God forbid someone come through to enforce standards or something and fuck that all up.

  • Maybe I’m too used to consoles and low powered computers, but with a VRR screen I don’t tend to notice slowdown until it hits 20fps.

    Assuming this is anything like the previous games, this is a massive open world shooter/survival game that simulates events and npc/faction interactions map wide. There are loading zones, but each area is massive. And shit isn’t just sitting waiting for the player to appear, shit is happening in the world constantly.

    I don’t really blame the devs for struggling on performance on a game like this with a multiplatform release on console hardware. Especially when this generation of consoles is getting long in the tooth. The previous games were PC first (if they ever got a console release at all, not sure they did).

    If they release it in this state, yeah yuck. But being open about the process isn’t something to be derided.

  • But… your study doesn’t show that it is possible. It shows that even with the natural pressure of the owners to downplay the issues their pets were experiencing, they still had significant health problems.

    Please don’t speak down to people when it is abundantly clear that you are ignoring critical sections of your own evidence that disagree with your desired outcome.

  • Does anyone else remember Microsoft’s amazingly tone deaf slide deck about how integrating their systems and making thing seamless across multiple platforms including mobile phones and laptops would allow people to work during any/every spare moment in their lives, like while commuting?

    Businesses want to own every moment of your life not strictly required for continued existence. If they can normalize using sleep time for extra “passive” income by using your dream power or by just renting out “spare” brain computation power, they will.

  • Expecting any part of the brain to work that simply is foolish. We already know that REM sleep does a lot of the lifting for forming long term memories and processing complex input from your waking hours. Not to mention the importance of it for actual rest/recharging so you aren’t an exhausted zombie all the time.

    Sounds like a wonderful idea to just fuck around with that.

  • Fair enough. Just always seemed like a weird repeated sticking point.

    For anyone looking to buy it cheaper, look for OEM key resellers. It’s the discounted price for companies preinstalling Windows. You can only install it on one device though, instead of whatever “multiple install grace window” they allow normally.

    For anyone wanting it for free, MASgrave utilizes some sort of loophole with an official licensing method meant for corporations to get Microsoft to grant you a valid official license key for free. Microsoft can’t go back and somehow differentiate these keys from paid legit ones, so there’s no risk. Just make sure you’re getting MASgrave from their official source on github so there isn’t any malware snuck in. It also has some functionality for Office licenses as well.

    Also worth noting that with effort, you can excise the overwhelming majority of the anti-consumer bullshit from Windows. Not really accessible to the average joe though, real easy to break shit or not disable things properly so they get re-enabled through updates.