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  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • At least teach the concept of “don’t do it ever” won’t hurt, and won’t get outdated anytime soon.

    However, this approach will hurt security in the long term as this brings to burden to the lib dev to maintain a foolproof design, which they can burnout, quit, and leave a big vulnerbility in the future as most dev won’t touch the code again if it’s still “working.”

    Cybersecurity is very important in today’s digital landscape, and cryptography is one of the pillers. I believe it’s essential for devs to learn of core principles of cryptograhy.

    Again, audits are nice, and you can use it in various points, but it’s not silver bullet. It is just a tool, and can’t replace proper education. People are often ignorant. Audits can generate any number of warnings it can, but it’s the people needs to take corrective actions, which they can ignore or pressured to ignore. Unless it’s part of a compliances certification process that can cause them to get out of business. Otherwise, most managers are “What would I care? That cost more.”

  • Because cryptography is a specialized knowledge. Most curriculums doesn’t even include cryptography as core topic in their Computer Science degree. You can have a look of the MIT’s computer science curriculum. Cryptography is instead embedded in the elective class of Fundementals of Computer Security (6.1600). That’s also why DevSecOps instead of the previous DevOps. It’s just simply boils down teaching and learning cryptography is hard. It’s still too early to expect a typical dev to understand how to implement cryptograhy, even with good library. Most doesn’t know compression and encryption doesn’t mix well. Nor they understand the importance of randomness and never use the same nounce twice. They doesn’t even know they can’t use built-in string comparison (==) for verifying password hashes which can lead to timing attacks. Crypto lib devs who understands crypto add big scary warnings yet someone will mess something up.

    Still, I will strongly support academics adding basic cryptography knowledge to their curriculum, like common algoritms, key lengths, future threats, and how fast the security landscape is moving, just for the sake of the future of cyber security.