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Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • There’s a video, maybe not my favorite, but I have watched it twice, and it’s in the 24 hour range. The one where Breath of the Wild was first 100%'ed in under 24 hours. Really like it bc it’s from before the discovery of windbombs (the trick where they launch themselves great distances using the bomb rune), so it’s slower, more methodical. It’s quite relaxing, but yeah it isn’t something to watch in one sitting, even though the video was made in one sitting.

  • I’m all in favor of legalizing weed, and in fact I would like to abolish the prescription system in it’s entirety, however, I do think that the rhetoric of pro-weed ppl treats it like it’s entirely harmless, which is a dangerous sentiment.

    I went through some serious symptoms from long term use. The hemispheres of my brain split into 2 different ppl, my body’s sense of propioception got all fucked up, and I threw up a whole lot. Not fun. And my memory basically was shot from use, that lasted even after I stopped using. I originally started bc I couldn’t afford to see a psychiatrist and I needed antidepressants, it was the closest thing I could get (abolish the fking prescription system). I had no idea that it had any long term effects, the way ppl talk you think it’s only good. I mean I’m sure everyone’s different, but ppl at least need a warning abt that sort of shit.

  • Oh btw, just found this news on Xinjiang’s “forced labor”. It always goes the same:

    1. Baseless accusations against china treated as fact
    2. Hire a few people to claim to be victims
    3. Accusations fail to hold up against scrutiny
    4. The news quietly moves on to another propaganda strategy. An admission that it’s false is “published” but buried by the algorithm so that they can claim journalistic integrity when pressed

    Because the admission that they’re wrong is always buried, people who still believe the lie are plentiful as fuck and finding the confession is a pain in the ass.

    I personally know an Uyghur guy who can’t get a job at any international companies because the international companies are afraid of the forced labor allegations