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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • The current GOP is still entrenched in their Southern Strategy. To quote Lee Atwater:

    Y’all don’t quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, “removed, removed, removed.” By 1968 you can’t say “removed”—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “removed, removed.”

    This plus fundamentalist Christianity is the basis of the modern GOP playbook, only now it’s Latinos that are the target, at least moreso than blacks

    Sure we can’t distill it down to just racism since the GOP has become so entrenched with the religious right, so let’s just call it Christofascist Racism, but let’s not ignore 60 years of Republican racism and bullshit

    Edit: Lemmy blocks the n-word even when it’s a direct quote, but Atwater was using that derogatory term for blacks in the above quote

  • Because arbitrary lines in a desert ought not invalidate peoples freedom?

    Because there is no valid metric other than skin color to initially round all these people up and put them in camps where we can concentrate on if they are actually supposed to be here or not?

    Because some of those people put in camps where we can concentrate on whether they are supposed to be here or not will be American citizens deprived of their rights based on their skin color?

    Because trains will run 24-7 for 5+ years to deport 15+ million people?

    Because a subset of the population is convinced central America = Mexico and we can just dump them in Mexico?

    Because just that transportation alone will cost over half our GDP even before we get in to detention and feeding, investigation and appeals processes?

    Because if we don’t do the above then we are denying people the right of due process, and what does that say about us as a society?

    Because most people are here illegally because of expired visas, so they can just reapply anyway?

    Because in 2022 undocumented immigrants paid 96.7 billion dollars in taxes, and the right wants to just do away with that and God forbid someone making millions has to pay a little extra?

    Because it’s a buzz word used by the right so people can be openly racist when there is zero plan in place because then they lose their wedge issue?

    Because this zero-plan maneuver will decimate our economy, just so a certain subset of the population can feel that their skin color wins because Jesus said so or something?

  • That was… The point though? He thinks trans women aren’t women. That was like a full third of the show’s transcript, and I even left some off

    So what do you view as the point of saying all these things or the point of the show itself?

    I guess the point was about the one token trans person he deemed worthy of his respect (who killed herself, probably unrelated) bc she was totally fine with him making fun of her identity so that makes it ok to just dead gender her after talking about how he pretty much bullied her and she took it bc of his position in the industry so that makes it ok to just degrade whole group of people

    Or something

    Go off though if you wanna defend transphobia I guess

  • His shows are pretty much him making fun of trans people and whining bc people call him on his shit for doing nothing but making fun of trans people.

    Here’s some excepts from The Closer in 2022. I watched this begrudgingly to prove to a buddy of mine that he was, in fact, being transphobic (said buddy is no longer buddy), and I haven’t watched anything of his shit since but it’s probably just him whining even more now:

    • Every time I come out onstage, I be scared. I be lookin’ around the crowd, searching. For knuckles and Adam’s apples to see where the threats might be coming from.

    • And then she hikes her skirt up and she pulls a real live, meaty dick out!

    • If I was honest, I wouldn’t have fallen for it. I’d have just looked at the picture like, “Look at that big chiseled jawline, that big thick Joe Rogan neck. Is that a dude? Is your daughter a man?” Can’t say that shit. It’s really annoying.

    • trans-bitch from the picture.

    • A couple of more drinks and these fellows are gonna start asking her for some pussy, she might not have.

    • I was careful to call her a bitch, ’cause I didn’t want to blow her cover.

    • “Well.” I am a girl now, n*gger. You must treat me as such.

    • Gender is a fact.

    • Now… I am not saying that to say, that trans women aren’t women. I’m just sayin, that those pussies that they got… You know what I mean?

    • I’m not saying it is not pussy, but that’s like Beyond Pussy or Impossible Pussy. You know what I mean? It tastes like pussy but that’s not quite what it is, is it? It’s not blood, that is beet juice.

    And here’s what the actual goat comedian who had a lasting impact in the industry beyond a mediocre skit series in late 90s Comedy Central and one movie might retort to Chappelle

  • In 2000, New York magazine reported that two of Elite’s senior women executives had pleaded with both Casablancas and Marie to stop sleeping with underage models, but had been ignored. (“We are men,” Marie reportedly said. “We have our needs.”) In 2011, the Elite supermodel and actor Carré Otis alleged that Marie had repeatedly raped her when she was a 17-year-old model in Paris in the 1980s.

    Just a bunch of cunts, the whole bunch

    Like and so many people knew about it idk

  • Oh John Casablancas, Trump’s homey from the early 90s when they both liked hanging out with underage models via the Look of the Year contest. Same John Casablancas who was a sexual assaulter of those same underage girls and who was begged by his assistant to “stop having sex with underage girls”

    Crazy how Trump surrounds himself with dudes that like to do weird shit with underage girls and weird sex trafficking shit like John Casablancas and Alan Dershowitz and Ralph Shortey and George Nader and the Fanjul bros and Roy Cohn and Epstein and how Trump has ties to AMI/Black Cube, the weird mercenary intelligence company Weinstein used just like Trump did to buy rights to stories and kill them before they could be released to the public

    Teflon Don indeed

    Like, I don’t hang out with pedophile sex trafficking assholes. It’s not hard to just not do that, and the benefit is I’ve never been accused of anything.


  • I thought about that but if I need it that bad I can put it on my phone and put some earbuds in BUT what’s crazy is I even tried mirroring my screen from my phone to my desktop via USB and it STILL blocked the video like it didn’t throw up the error it normally does, but it def was a turd about it

    What’s shit is that like it’ll play trailers and I can browse and get the little pre-watch thing like when you hover over a show going so I know it’s just a setting they can flip on their end but they won’t. I sent them a trouble ticket and they just give some generic “go look at our supported devices list” response

    Like OG I make solid money and I’ll pay for the content you guys have bc you’re not busting balls like other streaming services but like work with me and let me watch it on whatever device I want or having to give out my log in info to other people so I can watch MY account on THEIR device