That’s like twice a day, those are rookie numbers.
That’s like twice a day, those are rookie numbers.
To be fair, that’s your personal thing, because you have knowledge about this topic. In movies and TV a crap ton of stuff is abbreviated to not bore the audience to death. Some shows portrait a certain domain more or less realistically but still take dramatic license with other things. After all, we watch this stuff to escape from reality.
Have you tried wanting to be monetized?
Security and convenience will forever be on opposing sites of a spectrum. You can move alongside the spectrum but more of one thing will mean less of the other. That’s just a fact.
I used to be all on board with that, but seeing what a colossal waste of resources AI is, I’ve come to question other efforts like this one or calculating pi to a trillion digits. The trigger here for me was the use of GPUs, which I’ve come to associate with AI waste. Sure, I know they’re just a tool. But I still don’t see what value will come from knowing ever bigger prime numbers.
I didn’t use to do this, but with the world being on fire I feel like I should ask whether the amount of energy put into finding huge primes is really worth it.
But every year I read that the rich are getting ever richer…
Business majors ruin everything, part 8378384748
Could you even make a more obvious ad for Bluesky?
All I hear is we need to start culling the super rich.
I always thought it was bad to eat meat from carnivores. No idea where I heard that, but I’ve always accepted it as truth.
Huh. 1995 was almost 30 years ago. Now excuse me while the nurse rolls me out to the patio so I can take a nap.
Twitter, now known to some as X, …
I hope I never get into a position of power, because I absolutely can see myself focusing on one thing I deem important and then doing whatever it takes.
They are manipulating the weather! It would be clear as day if there wouldn’t be one hurricane after another.
Unprompted, I will tell you the most obnoxious ring tone I have ever heard. It was on the subway and a voice was suddenly loudly proclaiming: “Warning! Warning! The owner of this phone is a self-confessed binge drinker” until some douchebag picked up the call.
That’s only true if you’re a large corporation doing it.
My favorite is StalinSort. You go through the list and eliminate all elements which are not in line.