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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 6th, 2024


  • So you’re saying that millions of fragile men are bullied into buying full size trucks and they have no agency whatsoever into their purchase? This is no different than exposing your kids to second hands smoke because you are afraid if you don’t smoke you won’t look cool. I seriously don’t understand why we’re making excuses and coddling these weak egos instead of actually supporting the victims of the violence these people inflict on other road users. I’m more than happy to criticize the regulatory bodies and the manufacturers for failing society as well, but that doesn’t mean the purchasers that make this all possible are innocent. It’s a rotten subculture that needs to be called out at all levels.

  • Are you looking at the same article as me? On both the NYT app and the website using this link, I see a heading that exactly matches the data displayed. It’s a dynamic page that adjusts the figure as you scroll and the heading clearly matches the data. It says “abnormally hot nights” in every bar chart, and temperature for all of the line graphs. NYT has some really nice visualizations, with the notable exception of the potato graphic the other week with your states electric production sources - that was hot dog shit. There’s a different baseline temp for the hot night graphs depending on the city - this clearly responds to a low level baseline pre-warming.

    I showed this to my partner who isn’t an engineer and she thought it made perfect sense too. Not that my anecdotes are special, but I truly don’t understand the confusion.