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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • Here’s another quote from last month:

    China still has “many problematic laws and policies” regarding the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region two years after the UN human rights office, OHCHR, published a report on serious violations against the Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim communities, a spokesperson said on Tuesday. -https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/08/1153621

    Like I said, it’s not hard to find damning info, despite Chinese autocratic crackdown on free press and news. Then again, I figured you’d try to discount the source no matter what came up or where it’s from. I get it. You’re some strange China apologist. A disgusting stance from someone who is so quick to damn one genocide, but excuse others. And seemingly ignores even others. I’m done with you and your “genocide denier” (to quote you) idiocy.

  • Time and place. At one time, the conventions were a great place to try to affect policy. Hasn’t been like that since…oh… I guess around '80. A little before I became aged enough to vote. Every thing about conventions now are sound and fury, signifying nothing. Protestor efforts there are just wasted effort, or seemingly self-serving attempts to "look at me!! I don’t have a lot of respect for people that care more about a religious war that isn’t going anywhere, than defeating the fascists at home. I hate the DNC specifically, and most Dems in general, for multiple perceived or real slights on my sense of righteousness. But that’s nothing for what I see in that other party.

    That said, it just seems like obnoxiously farting on your 30 year old cousin, in a decades long game of fart payback, at a birthday dinner for your 90 year old grandma. Sure, I guess, go ahead and fart at your grandma’s birthday, but I’m not going to respect you for it. Even if I would in just about any other situation. Farting on your grandma is probably just going to piss off your family.

    Since a rational person wouldn’t fart at the party, or try to undermine the Dems so uselessly, it must be some GOP/Russia fuckery. We know people are easily mislead, so it’s not a jump to feel bad for these so-called leftists who are perfectly happy trying to undermine the country.