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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Definitely Oat.
    There are brands that make some specifically to emulate the flavour and texture of cow milk, often named something along the lines of “not milk”.
    Alternatively “Barista” variants often have a slightly raised fat content and added soy or other protein to improve foamability.

    Cheapest option is to make it yourself: ~90g oats per 1000ml water

    • soak and rinse oats
    • blend oats, pinch of salt and water
      • don’t blend too long, the mix gets a bit gluey otherwise
    • strain through a cheese cloth or similar
    • leave in the fridge overnight

    Optional stuff:
    add ~2 dates to the blender for a bit of sweetness
    you can experiment with adding some cashews to the blend, or ~2 tbsp of neutral tasting oil to the blender for creamier consistency.
    I heard xanthan gum can also be added to thicken the mix.

  • Besides that point, what i dont know anything about:
    she was also shit minister during her time in german politics. She was part of Merkels CDU which spent their decades in the government slowly fucking up most things they touched either through bovine inaction, or grossly misrepresenting our best interests for lobby money and corruption.

    VDL herself was seen as one of the worst ministers of defense, grossly mismanaging funds, abusing her station and kicking off a corruption scandal all by herself.

    Same thing for other positions she’s held.

    Don’t form your opinion on a politician by a single action, or even worse, purely by political allegiance.