This account is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.
Last election it 100% looked like Trump was going to win until the mail in dam broke.
Having nothing is a WMD since 2001.
Sorry buddy but we’re gonna have to send you to a remote island in the atlantic as punishment.
How did they manage to lose it? It didn’t go anywhere.
Does it sound like a teen drama on the cw or just general modern people talk?
I am aways so jealous of the cozy sleeping spot options available to cats.
Wild animals carry diseases and can frequently exhibit unpredictable aggressive behaviors even when handled by a seasoned professional. These laws are necessary for the safety of both people and the ecosystem.
my phone has been automatically marking their texts as spam 90% of the time so I doubt most people are
This is what happens when your laws are determined by a council of god emperors.
Aren’t those emblems on the flags one of the command and conquer factions
Not a glitch. One of the devs is just into that.
Any democracy can be replaced with a dictatorship with well placed CIA intervention.
I told him not to go to that beach.
alias systemd-texted=micro
Now give us a Castle War game for Castlevania. Or else I’ll cry.
Update us on the progress of your impending genetic mutations, please.
Please delete this off my face book I have never worked at corn
Listeria sounds like a cleaning product name.
Nobody ever learns anything.