• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Oh. When I said “the west” I was squarely pointing the finger at France. China is playing the longer game there because Russia has stationed Wagner down there already. It benefits both Russia and China if the population is focused on removing French influence. China gets a long term investment hedge against France and Russia gets more cheap mercs for Ukraine.

    Now, I don’t really want to spend much time doing a full research project on what is basically a game of thrones’ish style side bet. It’s insanely complicated, I would imagine. After a few African countries went full-on coup d’état a few months ago, I realized there was much more going on.

    Edit: I wasn’t downvoting you. I suspect that some people might be trying to launch some instability of their own. Lulz.

  • With good directional antennas, the correct frequencies and analog signals and maybe last-mile AI/image recognition, 30-50 miles should be easy. You could even use a high altitude drone as a signal repeater for even more range with minimal latency.

    For perspective: I could communicate with ham radio repeaters using a 5W transmitter and a basic whip antenna at about 150 miles, at 220/440mhz, because the repeater was in a high enough spot, on a distant mountain. Granted, that was only voice but it’s still a good representation of what kind of range you can get.

    Digital signals at higher frequencies wouldn’t have much of a chance.

    Edit: We are entering a period of high solar activity as well. While atmospheric bounce is usually reserved for other bands (usually 10m, or ~29mhz) it can absolutely be a thing with higher frequencies now.

  • That was one of the reasons I put “time” in quotes, actually. However, I had to lean into determinism fairly hard to make a “point” about how chaos is not really chaotic and that humans haven’t created any disasters because the disasters “have already happened”. (Don’t read into that. My jumble of logical fallacies was intended to sound more like an acid trip.)

    Time is a funny thing though. We perceive and experience time, but time relative to the rest of the universe is basically irrelevant. Que my rant about how our measurement systems need to have better scaling, but I’ll save that topic for the next reading from the Book of Ian.

  • If a god created the entire universe and even time itself, that would lead us to believe that everything is happening according to a grand plan. Fate is the ruler of the universe and every action is predetermined. If a god has the ability to create every single atom and set it in motion, it should also know the atoms entire journey through to the end of “time”.

    However, if the universe is simply a metaphorical byproduct of a kid with a chemistry set, then that would explain a few things. Chaos is king. However, our true Lord and Savior, Ian Malcom, tells us that order arises from Chaos, and that every system will eventually self-arrange. Through his teachings and wisdom, we can also prove that the universe is deterministic even if it was born into Chaos.

    From these points we can infer that without any doubt, Ian Malcom is the creator of the universe and all that we know. In Ian’s name we have already prayed and were always destined to pray. Ramen.