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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2024


  • That’s just crazy… When I’m sick I’m getting paid leave - when coming to work and they notice I’m sick they’ll send me home. This even makes sense from a 100% capitalist perspective, because it costs less to pay one person to stay at home and recover as quickly as possible than to have them spread their infection, making everyone less productive, but at the same time keeping everyone at work, greatly slowing down the recovery.

    Vacation also is known to be net positive since even just one week or just a few days off every ~2 months greatly increases productivity and prevents burnouts. It’s like weekends but more extreme. You wouldn’t want someone who probably already is stressed because they have to catch up after being sick to also lose their vacation.

    Those US-american laws don’t even make sense from the USA’s system’s 100% money focused view.

  • Germany already paid them a lot

    Bereits erbrachte Zahlungen

    Die von der Bundesregierung finanzierte Stiftung Polnisch-Deutsche Aussöhnung in Warschau zahlte seit ihrer Gründung 1992 zunächst 500 Millionen DM an polnische NS-Opfer aus, später folgten Zahlungen in Höhe von fast zwei Milliarden DM an noch lebende ehemalige Zwangsarbeiter.

    Germany already paid 500 million DM to polish NS-victims and later nearly two billion DM to polish concentration camp survivors. (1992+)

    They also got huge areas in the east of Germany (20% of Germany) and the German population was removed.

    1957 Poland signed a treaty to stop reparation payments from West and East Germany.