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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • I’m not sure. There is a phenomenon among conservatives where they will successfully become extremely progressive on a single issue the moment they, or someone close to them, experiences the consequences of said issue first hand (e.g. a gay child like Dick Cheney, or the countless GOP men who have forced their mistresses to have abortions, etc.).

    I wonder if there is some level of saturation of people experiencing first hand loss that would actually snap enough people out of it…

  • My understanding of “the spirit of the community,” is defeating fascism. Jill Stein does not fit into that spirit as she has repeatedly failed “the smell test,” among many other things (like being photographed dining with Putin and other fascists).

    Her “campaign” only ever exists to siphon votes from Democratic candidates and allow the Republican to win.

    I honestly hope y’all are literal children, because this isn’t a new phenomenon. Many of us old enough to remember have witnessed this kind of candidate show up at just about every presidential election, and they have only ever accomplished one thing. Every single time.

    When a third party candidate is a possible threat to the GOP, they always drop out (e.g. RDK Jr… There is a reason that he didn’t keep running despite likely having more votes than Stein.

  • In KDE you can literally just start typing anywhere on the desktop (or set it up to activate with a hotkey), and it’ll use krunner to search your PC, and do a bunch of other shit if you want. Never had anything about task bars interfere with it whatsoever.

    In fact, it has saved my ass a few times when plasma shell would crash and I couldn’t access a terminal for whatever reason, I was able to use krunner to restart plasma shell. Very useful.