• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I don’t care if they keep the extra couple cents they saved on not giving the cable. I fucking hate getting extra e-junk with my electronics. I hate getting new cables just like I fucking hated getting shitty headsets with pre-smart phones. Nobody used them regardless. For all I care all battery-powered electronics, including laptops, could very well come without chargers and standardised cables, just with large warning on the box (like the one on cigarette packs). That was the fucking point of this EU regulation, to reduce e-junk

  • When you think about it, it does make sense from the business point of view. Banks don’t make money on individual customers, so the ones that use physical locations. They make money off corporate customers, who are terribly unlikely to ever need to talk to a clerk in person. And with individual customers moving to online banking, it’s even less justifiable to run a physical location.