What a compelling rebuttal of their points /s
The endorsement I’ve been waiting for
Yeah but you have terrible taste. Thanks! :)
The Senate investigation found nothing illegal. That doesn’t mean Stein isn’t trying to help russian interests.
Republicans never claimed not to be pedophiles, so I think that’s on us for assuming
Telegram users have never had privacy. Group chats are completely in the open and private messages are only encrypted if both users turn it on for each conversation—and it’s off by default. I’ve never understood why anyone thinks Telegram is any better than posting anywhere else on the internet.
The question of why specific immigrants are here isn’t relevant to the topic of how they should be treated once they’re legally here. Some are here bc of bad US foreign policy, others aren’t, but all should be treated with respect.
Cluster munitions are bad when you’re an invading army bc some of the explosives fail to fire, endangering civilians who come across them later. Ukraine, however, is using them on its own territory to combat russia who 1) is already using cluster munitions with a greater fail rate than the ones the US is providing Ukraine, and 2) deliberately mines the areas they invade in a way to kill civilians (e.g. setting up a mine to explode if you try to move the corpse of a beloved family dog). So in this case, using the US’s cluster munitions to get russia out is a net positive.
I have tried–the instructions are woefully inadequate. I tried following them to build Ventoy and had to make numerous modifications just to get the first couple of components to build. At that point I gave up
Everyone will call you friend as long as you agree with them. And libs punch Nazis. Are you a Nazi?
You mean like “shitlib”?
Because there’s nothing to understand. Have the day you deserve!
No, it doesn’t. Just repeating a statement, slightly modified, doesn’t mean it makes sense.
After I saw that issue, I attempted to build Ventoy from source. After making numerous modifications and getting only the first couple components built, I got tired of it and quit. I’ve made some modifications to glim and use that instead, although it’s still not as easy as Ventoy. But I don’t trust Ventoy if I can’t build it myself.
Further, when @vkc@linuxmom.net made some criticisms of Ventoy in one of her YouTube videos, she was subjected to a harassment campaign, and others told her the same happened to them. That pushed me from not trusting Ventoy to actively distrusting it.
That makes no sense
I guess it was too soon for me to put my cope ear bandage back on
We do blame those who actually vote for the fascist. We also blame those who effectively vote for the fascist by not voting for the only actual alternative. Your vote is not about you; its about the system you’re in. Making material change means working with what you have, instead of voting in a way to preserve a personal aesthetic.
You’re already in error to ask for support for positions based on the Bible, because the Church determines the Bible’s meaning, not the other way around. If you’re evaluating claims against what you think the Bible means, your religion is based on yourself, not on God’s Church, and you are a heretic and stand condemned.
The reasons for Christ’s death are deeper matters to discuss with those in the Church. The Church is responsible for salvation because it was ordained by God through Christ to be His physical manifestation in the world; there is no other way to Him.
That would make more sense if redfash weren’t some of his biggest supporters