knightly the Sneptaur

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • The issue is much, much larger than what Israel is doing to Gaza.


    If you fail to vote for Harris, you allow Trump to win.

    Since my vote is now the deciding factor, I have some demands that the Democrats will finally have to listen to if they don’t want Trump to win.

    1. Stop financing genocide.

    Did I say “some demands”? I meant “just do the bare minimum”, Jesus…

    To be clear here, if Harris does not win, Trump will. Those are your two choices. You can choose to vote for Harris or you court disaster. There is no viable 3rd choice.

    Precisely. Democrats know they’re the only game in town so they have no incentive to offer better policy. All demands for them to show some basic humanity can be deflected with cries of “But Trump!!1!”.

  • Of poll respondents. There’s a large overlap between people who don’t care, and people who don’t answer polls.

    “Of voters. There’s a large overlap between people who don’t care and people who don’t vote.”

    If you’re going to argue that polling isn’t an effective means of determining public sentiment then you probably shouldn’t pretend to care about voting.

    And oh yeah, Harris has been calling for a ceasefire

    Wake me up when there’s some action behind those words.

    And disregarding AIPAC is stupid. Picking up the single issue voters by overtly pissing off AIPAC during the election will unleash a multimillion dollar ad campaign. Look at what happened to the squad

    Indeed, look at what this foreign influence campaign did to our precious American democracy. But hey, we’re not ready to talk about it because the parties want to have their cake and eat it too.

    There’s no good reason to do that now. A smart candidate would stay relatively quiet until the election, and then go full bore on the offensive.

    You said “smart” but you appear to have meant “complicit”.

    Especially since, y’know, the vice president doesn’t even have authority here so it’s stupid to blame it on her.

    Since when did they abolish the bully pulpit? A lack of authority only means she couldn’t change national policy unilaterally, it doesn’t mean she can’t actively work against arms deals and for an embargo.

    Especially when the other candidate is actively sabotaging ceasefire negotiations.

    Thus, the obvious move is to make the ceasefire negotiations a fait accompli by refusing to reload the aggressor’s weapons. Even Trump can’t sabotage a ceasefire if there’s no fire left to be ceased.

  • A party with a comfortable margin can embrace less centrist policies when their voters ask for them (write to your representatives everyone). A party with an uncertain margin has to calculate their platform to target the largest demographics.

    They must have a very comfortable margin if they can ignore the majority of Americans and instead embrace less centrist policies like helping Israel bomb schools and hospitals.

    Using your vote + using your voice = representation.

    You should be happy, you can safely ignore my vote and my voice because the Democrats will be winning this election regardless.

    How, precisely, does a promise that you won’t vote for them unless they alienate a larger demographic entice them into anything?

    The segment of Americans that oppose genocide are the majority, the smaller group that the Democrats are trying not to alienate is AIPAC. The only things that could entice them to change are an even larger quantity of campaign financing, or electoral consequences.

  • do you think that if enough people don’t vote that the government will say “Shucks, guess we have to redo the election with better candidates”?

    I wish. A sane electoral system would declare a redo if the abstains win. No, I simply don’t consider how other people will be voting to be a factor. I’ll base my decision not on the promises they make, but the ones they have already fulfilled.

    You gain absolutely nothing by not voting, all you’re doing is shifting power to those who disagree with you the most.

    What I gain from not-voting is a clear conscience.

    And if I’m the deciding vote in my solid-blue state then power has already shifted so far that my one vote won’t hold it back for long.

    This is just plain idiotic.

    The only idiotic part is how much time you’re wasting trying to convince a disillusioned old anarchist to pick between the negative peace that is a false promise of a “reasonable” politician and an increasingly demented madman who stands out as the greatest living example for why the management of our lives can’t be trusted to a political party.

    They need enough votes. If they think pandering to your demographic will cost them other demographics, they will not pander to you.

    Then they should stop pretending that they’re on my side. They aren’t “the left”, they’re liberals who can abide by genocide so long as it’s happening somewhere else. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.

    Despite your claims, America is a democratic republic, granted with it’s own peculiarities in determining electoral votes. The candidate who wins the most votes wins the state. You will be left in the dust as irrelevant noise in the flood of people who know how to use their vote, and you will get zero representation. Congratulations.

    Make up your mind, is it “democratic” or does everyone’s vote not count?

    Abstinence has no effect, and in fact will probably push the party farther right to scoop moderates because they actually vote. Congratulations.

    Of course, they were going to do that anyway, especially if we live in the good timeline where the Republican party collapses under the weight of its impending electoral failure. Democrats will keep triangulating towards the right to pick up the mythical “moderate” and become the new right-wing party while some new group starts to pick up the pieces on the Left. Probably the greens.

  • It’s not about who represents you most, they aren’t on the ballot.

    I already know America is not a democracy, that’s why I don’t feel the need to vote in support of a corrupt system.

    What incentive does the party have to sabotage their races (AIPAC influence is real) to court an uninformed bloc that’s unlikely to vote in the first place?

    Depends, do they need our votes to win the election or not?

    If they need our votes, they should start acting like they’re trying to earn them.

    If they don’t think they need our votes, then they don’t have to represent us. And since they don’t represent us, we shouldn’t vote for them.

    Totally irrational. Your abstinence is not incentive, no logic whatsoever.

    It’s perfectly logical, you just don’t like the conclusion that the logic points towards, because it betrays the party leadership as being self-interested, cynical, and willing to aid and abet genocide to preserve their bloody campaign funding.