don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • Tests for cognitive decline aren’t worth shit if we don’t actually 1) use them, 2) believe their results, 3) implement legal procedures to remove a president whose cognition has deteriorated, and 4) actually use (read: enforce!) those legal procedures.

    But wait, there’s more! Cognition is complex and cognitive decline is gradual. I’m not sure that the existing tests (e.g., the NPI-C, IQCODE) are sensitive enough to measure the very onset of decline, which is what I’d want for a president. It’s safer to set the maximum age for presidency below the median age at onset of cognitive decline, which is roughly 70 per Hale et al (see doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2020.100577).