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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 21st, 2024


  • I see this a lot which is wild to me because I feel like S4 felt like it finally was real Star Trek but just rushed and some of the damage to some characters couldn’t be fixed. All the major plot points that make Enterprise relevant to Star Trek happen in S4.

    I’m curious where you put Discovery? That is the one I struggle the most with. My primary issue there is that for me I have to actually like and want to be invested in a character but as far as I’m concerned 10 episodes in to Discovery if the ship blew up all hands lost the Federation I can’t think of anyone I’d feel sad for. Enterprise though has Trip and Phlox who are S tier, a few fantastic guest stars, and no character that is bottom bin material to me no matter how much fanfic quality writing they tried to force on T’Pol.

  • Debian tends to be a liiiiitle bit behind Fedora and because gaming on Linux is accelerating in popularity, being ahead can provide big gains in performance.

    Can you manually handle all of that? Sure. I mean I have Mint on my side desktop with a custom Kernel but I recognize that I am dropping a V8 into a Mini Van.

  • You approved of it being okay to make up negative things about a person simply because they are a billionaire. You’re saying, why fact check this meme, dude is rich so I agree with their nonsense regardless.

    It is always okay to punch up, but it is silly and foolish to punch up randomly. It is a major part of mob mentality and why we are in the position we are today. It shouldn’t be a surprise that billionaires use social media wharrgarbl to fight other billionaires. We literally just saw one use this tactic to influence a major election.

  • I crushed it and have the American Dream. My experience now is, I’m surrounded by old people, trustfund kids, and people who broke themselves to get ahead.

    I have to raise my kids knowing that 80% of their classmates have no chance and hope they luck out and also fall in love with a career path that pays well. All of my friends I grew up with are in a constantly struggle, none of them will own a house. I have friends with PTSD from serving in the military and even with the VA loan option and GI bill they will be lucky to own a house by 50 if ever.

    I can’t even talk about my life, my struggles are meaningless compared to those around me. I feel like an outsider in America because I actually did what everyone says is the goal and it is wild to me. I’d give it up in a heartbeat just to feel like I was in a community of equals I felt safe to raise a family around.

  • He was elected as Dictator many times on a yearly basis and sometimes multiple times a year. He was so vastly popular the citizenry they killed the assassin’s, hunted down an heir and put him in power.

    Julius Ceasar and his follow on Agustus were insanely capable leaders that did great things for their country. The empire was so great and lasted twice the time America has, it’s fall caused the Dark Ages.

    Rome is a bad example here because technically the Dictatorship was good for them. Rome fell due to corruption that came in via enabling the Christian church to operate freely. Now that is a much better analog here that we enabled religious organizations to become tax free political action committees and uncapped their ability to influence government. This meant the evangelical grifters became the most powerful political entities in America.

  • If you do it that way you are importing a good.

    The end of this would not be that Steam relenting enables folks to start using foreign currency to get cheap games on a publicly traded space.

    What will happen if that goes through is a swift increase in taxation of export of digital goods. You’d have countries fighting tariff wars over video games.

    The idea that you can use foreign safe spots to buy and sell goods at a cheaper cost is something that only rich people get to do. As soon as it becomes broadly available to the general populace the governments crack down on it quickly.

  • Discrimination only applies if the two parties are similar. In this case the location makes these parties dissimilar due to the inability to just go from one place to the other legally. Brazil gross national income is 1/3rd the US. It makes sense to price things at 1/3rd the US price.

    Steam taking 30% is a better deal than any other form of media gets by a mile. It’s crazy folks complain when it is so easy to self distribute a video game, people have been doing it for years and years. Steam doesn’t even require you to sign up for exclusivity like basically every other distribution/marketing service does for all media including other video game services.