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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • One big difference is that one was done by an adult. Now we are faced with a whole bunch of kids who are fucked in the head with far more advanced weaponry compared to 1927. Yet the adults keep ignoring the kids and despite all previous warnings, continue to let it happen. If your child was already previously being investigated for threatening to shoot up a school, then you damn well better help them. Sell your guns and use the money to get them some therapy. If you get calls saying there are going to be shootings, you don’t sit there with your thumb up your ass until a bunch of people get massacred, yet that is exactly what happened.

    The indifference, apathy, media sensationalism, and bullshit thoughts and prayers just make it worse. As soon as the media stops talking about it, it may as well never happened. Maybe some sob piece months later from the parents, but those are barely a footnote. Our country is fucked. Darkest timeline.

  • For context, American. Those were the best 6 weeks of my life as far as work trips go. Having to go by German law was amazing. Unlike the 80-100 hour weeks I was doing at times in the UK for the same customer. The PM on the US side tried to encourage some of the team to work in the hotel after hours, or on their days off, but not let on with the customer who would send you home if they found out. That didn’t go over well. Screw you, I am going to a museum, having delicious schnitzel, beer, and touching some grass.

    Let’s just say that we pretty much begged for future jobs in Germany. Never got to go back, but was definitely one of the few jobs I can fondly look back on.

  • The amount of tantrums and cowboy behavior from people in the “industry”, which is mostly automated warehouses/robots for me, is ridiculous. I don’t fucking care about the schedule when it conflicts with safety. The PM and customer can go fuck themselves. I absolutely despise when people encourage unsafe practices, cut corners, or bully their coworkers for being pussies. These people tell stories of near misses like it is a badge of honor.

    JFC on a stick. Lock your shit out. Wear the damn vest. Wear the damn shoes. Wear the fucking hat. Wear all the rest of your required PPE. This isn’t Fashion Week in Paris. Everybody should be able to go home every day with all their limbs intact. You are not just hurting yourself. You are hurting everyone. There is no fucking reason to traumatize your coworkers because you were too fucking lazy to lock the equipment out and got your arm yanked into some conveyor. Nobody needs that.

  • No idea about which specific type of business it is, but keeping that history long term can have some benefits, especially to outside people. Some government agencies require companies to keep records for a certain number of years. It could also help out in legal investigations many years in the future and show any auditors you keep good records. From a historical perspective, it can be matched to census, birth, and death certificates. A lot of generational history gets lost.

    Companies also just hoard data. Never know what will be useful later. shrug

  • That sucks. Some locations everything is locked up, other ones are better. I usually stick to the “nice” mall or go to a standalone store instead. Just in case you didn’t know, places like Sephora and Ulta allow you to return whatever. If you hate it or it bothers your skin, just return it. They will also give you samples, for some things at least, to take home if you ask. Such as foundation or something. They have these little tiny generic containers they can fill. Target used to be pretty good for skincare, but I haven’t been in one for a long time.

  • Muting! I have done a few safety light curtains before and it is really cool how they can tell the difference between a human and a pallet/part/etc with just lasers. There are some really complex safety scanners out there, such as the area ones, but it is neat.

    The thing that would make this easiest is the direction of travel. If everything goes the same way around the belt, not terribly difficult to detect things going the opposite direction.

    Main point is there are a lot of easy ways to prevent stupid, but stupid will still try and circumvent it.

  • I think this view is a little short sighted. I am glad that you don’t seem picky about your peripherals, but they are very important to others. As someone with a disability, if my mouse didn’t work on Linux, I wouldn’t even bother trying. I have spent a lot of money on peripherals and them working in Mac and Windows, but not Linux would be utterly rage inducing. It is irritating enough that I can’t adjust the dpi in Linux, but it is at least usable. I am still salty that every single pair of headphones I own use proprietary codecs that are not supported.

    I absolutely do not blame anyone for not using Linux if their peripherals do not work. I get that it is the “fault” of proprietary drivers. Unfortunately, some devices are not popular enough or too difficult for someone in the Linux community to want to work on it. I don’t blame the community either. However, telling someone they can’t use their mouse or keyboard the way it was intended isn’t going to convince anyone to use Linux.

    My point is, hardware costs money, is a physical device that you touch for hours at a time, and is configured to make your life easier. Tactile and ergonomic comfort is important. Macros, lights, and dpi settings are important to some people. For me, it is just dpi and smooth scrolling. Not everyone is happy with a cheap mouse and keyboard or wants to throw perfectly functional electronics in the bin.

  • Hmm. Hard to say. I admit I was bad and didn’t read the article until now. He threatened them over the phone, which is a hell of a lot easier than in person. I think the point of the article is to show that someone was actually punished for it and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was racial bias that resulted him getting punished over some white nutjob.

    How diverse is Indiana? I spent a few months in Fort Wayne and it was very very white. Ohio is a weird one though I have spent a lot of time there too. New York is pretty diverse. I think the other person was right though that the news skews what is reported on.

    Sad part is how much PP has had to increase security over the last 10-15 years. No more walking through the front door. They keep the doors locked and have to buzz you in. Wouldn’t be surprised if some locations have security guards and more protection for their employees and patients.

  • Without knowing the dude and assuming upbringing, think about their stereotypical culture. Abortion and I assume contraception isn’t exactly encouraged. Maybe I am an ignorant fuck about non-western cultures. Still upsets me that anyone threatens them at all.

    All I do know is I appreciate the hell out of that organization and was the only way I could afford healthcare for a long time. I try to go to them no matter what so they get money and I can continue to see the people I always have.

    The stories that women shared with me in the waiting room are absolutely heartbreaking. Such as men sabotaging their birth control. They have to sneak on a bus while he is at work, with their kids in tow, to get the depo shot. That is one of the tame stories.

    Fucking POS protesters were around where the parade was for Pride a couple weeks ago. I always flip off any protesters for PP. Childish? Yes. Will that stop me? Absolutely not.

  • UL certification can mean different things, depending on the product and type of mark. It also isn’t that expensive to get UL listed as it isn’t like every single item you produce is tested. Each product you design is tested, but not each item you produce.

    There are 3/4 types. UL listed, UL recognized, and UL classified. Certified is newer and more stringent.

    • Recognized is mostly for machinery and components within machinery. It isn’t terribly difficult to get, but annoying. I have dealt with this type as we design and build electrical panels. Usually you hand the design to a panel builder and they will get it certified before delivery.
    • Listed is for products and appliances, and is fully tested for safety. This applies to most consumer electronics.
    • Certified Enhanced is also for products, and you can read up on it here:
    • Classified is for products and is half ass tested. All it means is that some requirements for UL were tested and passed, but not all.

    If a product is Classified by UL, this can mean its testing meets the particular requirements for a single test with a published result, but has nothing to do with all the other tests that may form part of a Standard (i.e., UL 181).

    As for pricing for UL listed, it can be just a few grand for a single product. Not much when you are selling thousands. I am sure Classified is even cheaper. I wonder how many of these cheap ass lamps say Classified.