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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Yeah. This was obviously wishful thinking. It was also my knee jerk reaction to jumping on to AI with minimal research. I figured that it would be better suited for the whisper tts/stt but it just didn’t run well. Then I attempted to throw HAOS various other versions of nix and that’s when I threw in the towel cause the bootloader seems to do a sig check on boot. If it’s not the Nvidia image it just hangs. Oh well. I now have an old comp running good enough to experiment with the likes of llama mixtral on just a 2070 with on average 2-3 sec delay. More if I ask too big of a question.

  • No.

    Sand to wafers… Fortunately, there is no shortage of raw material. Silicon is the second most common element in the earth’s crust, comprising about 26% and exceeded only by oxygen at 49%. But silicon does not occur naturally in the pure form needed for electronic applications, for which it must contain less than one in a billion non-silicon atoms. The starting material really is sand. Not just any sand, but silica sand, specially quarried for this purpose and having concentrations of quartz (silicon dioxide) as high as 95%.


  • Firstly thanks for replying.

    Therapy, works, when the individual wants to change. At this level of crime there is a slim chance of that desire.

    Their peers are likely part of the reason they are committing these crimes. Too much freedom due to the environment that they were born into , by no choice of their own, also contributed. To be clear I don’t even blame the parents most of the time. Even they can’t out influence the friends group. The abuse, well it’s no lie that the judicial system needs to be fixed at ALL levels, but where’s the money in that?

    Your method needs to happen way before they get to this point so that they have less of a chance to get here.

    So between juvi and therapy there still isn’t a resolution to fix them all. Or even fix a greater percentage of offending children.

    These kids, not likey anything will fix one of them let alone all of them. Am I shity for giving up on correcting their learned behavior? Yeah most likely. Facing consequences for ones actions still seems to be the answer for me.

    You are a better person than me.

  • What a crap take. You know how many people young and old have been in a foreign country with a majority of the populace looking to kill them, have a thing called ROE Rules Of Engagement to guide when they should shoot to kill. Many time people with weapons, lethal weapons in their hand and those people would have to gauge whether or not they were a threat.

    All police should have to adhere to a common ROE when engaging with the America/non American populace. If soldiers had to do it in a country where they were not welcome it should be a no brainier that the people sworn to “protect and serve” should have to do this bare minimum in our own country.