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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Because evidence doesn’t matter to his base. They don’t believe anything negative about him, all of it is lies. Likewise they believe everything bad about his enemies.

    Their beliefs are not rational. They are based entirely on emotion, not facts or reason. And they hold those beliefs so strongly that they identify as part of themselves. That belief cannot be shaken, because it means that part of them was wrong as well, and that couldn’t possibly be right. They would have to actually self-reflect, and they’re incapable of that.

  • He doesn’t want it to appear that Trump’s candidacy is affecting the sentencing… So his candidacy will directly affect when the sentencing happens.

    The courts need to simply ignore the politics, no matter what they do to try and avoid it they always fall right into the shit because anything a candidate does has a political spin from somewhere. Just ignore it completely, act like the politics isn’t a part of the case, because it isn’t. If the case happens to be occurring during an election, well the candidate shouldn’t have been doing illegal shit in the first place.

  • Starlink is a separate company from SpaceX. They use SpaceX as a launch provider, and there’s a lot of vertical integration between them (Just like SpaceX uses a lot of Tesla stuff), but they are a different company.

    There’s several things Elon has done with Starlink that’s questionable, like the current Brazil stuff. Refusing to block access via Starlink after their Supreme Court approved blocking X in the country because it’s not following their national laws. After Elon said that they will follow national laws.

  • SpaceX hired Gwynne Shotwell shortly after being founded, and she has been COO/President the entire time. While Elon may be the face of SpaceX like most of his companies, and may be responsible for major goals, he hasn’t really been in the driver seat, letting Gwynne handle operations.

    It seems clear that this is the difference between SpaceX and his other ventures like Tesla and Twitter where he has been directly making changes to daily operations. Even with a separate CEO at Twitter, it’s clear he’s still making daily operating decisions.

    Elon sucks at operating a business directly, he needs someone else to actually handle daily operations, to filter his thoughts and decisions for how realistic they are to implement.

  • That sums up my thoughts pretty well honestly. It is a generic Ubisoft open world game, with all the same tricks. But the story is decent, different than the traditional Jedi stuff usually made, and some aspects of the game play are pretty fun. Others are the generic Ubisoft formula, which is to be expected.

    It’s better than I expected, nowhere near worth $110 or whatever for the game and season pass, but worth the U+ subscription for a month to try it out.

  • Those speeds would be under ideal conditions, like sitting on land on a clear day with no weather.

    It’s not about the raw speed honestly, but the machine latency and stability of the signal. Traditional GEO satellites need a pretty steady platform to maintain connection. The mobile capable dishes are usually less capable than fixed position ones because they need to be less directional to maintain a signal while moving. But in say rougher seas, the movement will be vastly different than a boat just sitting on a lake.

    Starlink can compensate for this better because it’s designed to utilize multiple lower satellites simultaneously in view and a more omni-directional dish, alongside a signal that only needs to go to LEO. The difference between LEO and GEO or its is absolutely massive. The Starlink satellite constellation operates between 1/30 and 1/105 the distance of traditional GEO satellites. This means a latency of 25-35ms since they are so much lower. Lower latency will mean lower packet loss from instability which means higher throughout.

    For a real world use case, look at the SpaceX landing ships. They originally used traditional GEO satellites for those video streams, and the motion and vibration from the rocket getting near caused total signal loss. Often signal loss for a white a while after the lending was over because the ship was still moving too much. After they switched to Starlink, I think I can remember maybe twice at the beginning where the signal cut for a second or so, and once they had a few launches to provide more consistent coverage and satellite redundancy, I can’t even remember the last time we lost a signal during a landing.

    Real time video streams are essentially the worst use case for traditional satellite communication, and the differences between the network types of night and day.

  • And ocean communication.

    It’s amazingly clear none of these people have ever tried to use any of the existing Geostationary satellite data networks.

    They are slow as shit. Not just by modern standards, by any standards. HughesNet is one of the remaining satellite Internet providers.

    $50/mo gives you 50Mbps speeds, 100GB of “Priority Data”, whatever the fuck that is (probably your 50Mbps data, then it slows). And that price is only for a year, then it is $75/mo. They also love to tout a 30ms latency somehow, but that’s just a damned lie. Latency for a Geostationary satellite is around 500ms, or roughly the speed of light because that’s physics. So I have no idea where they think they’re getting 30ms, unless that’s only the additional latency they’re claiming AFTER it bounces off the satellite and reaches the ground to be routed to the internet on their end.

  • 3 could be a minimum. And the issues won’t be similar, they’ll be just as random as anything else coming in. And their system to actually look up info and make changes will likely only work on one account at a time. It’s possible, but unlikely that the system could use tabs to switch between accounts for chats. That would have required AT&T to actually do something to make the agents job easier, and would cost money to develop.

  • Sorry if I don’t know everything about how the shitbox of Twitter functions and don’t trust the current the message to actually be truthful.

    It could have been that Twitter followed redirects to display the final link in the message, but any of the links in that process through suspicious domains would prompt the message, regardless of the actual endpoint.

    Just because we know the most likely reason, that doesn’t mean we can’t discuss other alternatives, even if they’re less likely, or even unlikely.

    It’s clear now that no one here either understands the purpose of a devil’s advocate for discussion, or cares to have an actual discussion, instead preferring to just have every post be a “fuck Elon” circlejerk. So I’ll let you all get back to handling that with each other. Amazing how fast lemmy just turned into another reddit with a complete lack of real discussion anywhere, just the same bullshit everywhere as if it does anything.