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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This principle is called Richtlinienkompetenz (directive competence). He or she can basically order members of his cabinet what to do.

    It should be noted, that this doesn’t allow the Chancellor to micromanage the Ministers.
    The Chancellor can set the political agenda and make high level decisions but Ministers have some degree of constitutionally ensured independence in how exactly they implement policies.

  • Tbf, it sounds like neither side did a stellar job here.

    Poland not reacting “for several hours” makes it sound almost deliberate.
    Then again, I wonder how German police “informed” Poland for there to be no reaction. Did they fax?
    If they think the situation requires an immediate reply, why not call them? Surely a dedicated border patrol unit would have a contact number.
    Also, despite Schengen I don’t think police can just cross the border to another state unless in pursuit of some fleeing criminal.
    And just dumping these people in some random location without any involvement of local authorities doesn’t seem like proper protocol.

  • Inflation “going down” doesn’t mean there is no more inflation. It only means that there is less inflation than before

    Keep in mind that “inflation going down” is usually shorthand for the year-on-year inflation rate going down.
    If the yoy inflation rate goes down from one month to the next, then prices are still higher than previous year but may very well have fallen since last month.

  • Yes, one can argue that more fossil energy could have been shut down if the nuclear plants had continued operating.

    That said, Nuclear was replaced by renewables. Coal was also replaced by renewables.
    Maybe more coal could have been replaced but claiming that nuclear was replaced with coal is a rhetoric trick but it is literally not true.

    Also these assumptions about replacing coal always seem to come from people who have no idea about the power of the German coal lobby.
    Coal is just about the only natural resource Germany has and is a massive industry.
    The coal exit movement is decades old as well. But as the graphs show it is also glacially slow due to massive lobbying.

  • You original comment was that someone “turned on coal/oil…”
    That statement is factually and demonstrably incorrect.
    Gas was not even part of that original claim but whatever.

    Building capacity as a reserve for peak times is not the same as the plants actually running and producing emissions.
    As the graphs show, the actual production and therefore emissions from fossil sources have gone down. This is what matters in he climate change debate.
    The mere existence of buildings has little to do with the topic at hand.