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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • That’s not bad at all.

    My 2015 worked close to out of the box with debian and a bunch of older mbps do too. if you aren’t looking for an adventure I can highly recommend it.

    Since you already have your feet underneath you, a lot of secondhand computers with ssds can benefit from a “level 2” scan from the program spinrite. That process reads and rewrites every block on the ssd. I bet you could do the same thing with dd somehow but i just use spinrite instead.its my understanding that all the Intel Macs are able to boot it although i haven’t personally done it on an 11.1.

  • i use debian stable on intel macs and it works fine. whatever youre comfortable with will work fine except that some distros like rhel don’t handle broadcom-wl right still.

    i use 10.14 mojave (32 bit support), 10.15 catalina and whatever 11,12,13 versions are best supported by opencore legacy patcher on the particular device.

    your 11.1 mbp is not officially supported in 12 monterey but because it has the intel gpu the opencore legacy patcher should work very well.

    when you partition, use apfs for your mac side of the disk. it lets all your macos versions use their own volumes inside the apfs partition and the result is that they all can use the free space but can’t see each others files.

    whats got you wanting to use mavericks or high sierra? those are pretty old and i don’t remember either one having specific features that got removed later or something.

  • No, it’s not like that at all.

    The op didn’t ask for a phone recommendation and I didn’t recommend instead that they use a laptop or desktop.

    The op said they want to donate to a Linux phone because one day they believe they’ll be able to use a Linux phone. They want to pick the right one to give money to so it’ll have the best effect towards that end.

    I said they shouldn’t do that because they can already use a Linux phone and there are tons of other Linux based projects where the money will go much farther.

    We ought to be looking at this from a completely different perspective though: op is trying to maximize the value their donation has, and that’s a bummer. They should just donate to the one they like and not worry about effectiveness.

  • Don’t do this.

    Android is already Linux on a phone and it’s bad.

    Donate to normal Linux on computers. There is an ever expanding mess of packages that need to be updated, fixed, hosted, maintained, streamlined, back ported and generally massaged into functionality with whatever goofy distro you pick.

    Donate to Linux on computers instead.

  • I replied to another comment with this, but Debian 12(stable, bookworm) and 13(testing, trixie) are affected by this but 12(stable, bookworm) has a patch out in the security repo.

    If you wanna know wether or not you’re affected,

    apt list libc

    will show your version and the one you want is 2.36-9+deb12u4

    If you don’t have that,

    apt update && apt upgrade

    will straighten you out

    13(testing, trixie) has 2.37, but it’s not fixed yet.

    E: Edited to use apt list instead of apt show.

  • gayhitler420@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldBye Felicia [Crosspost]
    11 months ago

    That’s funny and you’re maybe missing why I want to see the Nazis:

    I hate Nazis as much as you’re purporting to. If a place that seems by all I can tell extremely anti Nazi is actually Nazis I want to know!

    If you want to get the word out about the crypto Nazi grad users then do it! Shame them!

    Show me the grad users that are posting about how they support the tenets of national socialism or how they hate the working class!

  • gayhitler420@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldBye Felicia [Crosspost]
    11 months ago

    Okay so you’re talking about all of grad right?

    So I should be able to easily search for things like “national socialism” “working class” and some different permutations of the 25 points and have the proof, right?

    But looking for those things doesn’t bring up users talking about how they uphold the tenets or hate the working class. I found people talking about how those ideas are bad and arguing about weather hating some identity means you hate the working class, but no one seriously saying that they hate the working class or that they agree with national socialism.

    So that’s why I’m here, asking the same question over and over of someone who now just responds with images.

    Is there some equivalency being implied here to say that communists and Nazis are the same?

  • gayhitler420@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldBye Felicia [Crosspost]
    11 months ago

    I haven’t for one second tried to avoid evidence or deny it when presented.

    Mostly because it was not presented.

    But even if you were to say something like “well, there was this one thread with a title like blah blah and some grad users of banned for hate speech in it” that would be better than what you’re doing now, which is calling me names, accusing me of being a Nazi, making the accusation that I’m just not paying attention to what’s around me.

    In the time we’ve been commenting back and forth you could have registered a sock puppet on grad, posted some Nazi shit and pointed to it!

    So if you can even gesture in the direction of grad users who uphold the tenet of national socialism and say they hate the working class, why not do it? Why not prove your statements? Why deflect and try to change the subject and accuse and call names?

    Why can’t you just back up what you say in even the tiniest way?