I’ve been looking at getting a odroid h4 ultra as my next toy. It would suit you I think.
Take my upvote. I use owncloud, I have no need for apps on my self hosted cloud backup.
Living in a civilised society comes with conditions, when you break that contract, you defile another, you lose the right to be part of that society, and do not merit its protections. Chemical castration is an option. All of you downvoters have never had personal experience with rapists, or, simply have zero empathy.
No, we should slap them on the wrist, give them early parole and let them loose to do it again.
Rapists deserve nothing less than castration.
Regardless, it is well worth your time. Find the wormhole, steal alien tech, build a fleet, become invincible.
Perhaps not Foss, but definitely free (beer) , endless sky, available on steam
There are many occasions when speaking another language (yes American English is a different language to British English imo) where you just have to say, “that’s how it is, it doesn’t make sense, but there we go”. The English took the word from the french désorienté, which means to turn away from the orient.
You should spend more time reading, and less time writing nonsense
Just because you haven’t heard about it, doesn’t mean it’s not the case, jeez pull your head out your arse. France had a leave referendum too, and the majority voted leave, but they had politicians who were smart enough to ignore the results.
Garlic snot
I use an oracle free tier server for my heavy lifting (wordpress and owncloud), and have a pi4 on my fibre optic connection which is my storage.
France is no different, going anywhere by TGV ? You’d best like going via Paris
He’s been drunk with power since he was elected, and it’s only gotten worse as his mandate has borne out.