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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Lmao you are oblivious if you think it’s possible to set up a network that someone CANT fuck up while having physical access to it.

    It’s not magic.

    The point is NETWORKS ARE COMPLICATED. Users are generally dumb. The point is you don’t expect them to have the knowledge to do it right. So they’ll break something. Users with actual knowledge could yes, break things even worse.

    That’s EXACTLY why they’re restricting hardware use.

    Welcome to the conversation, smh

  • Users are often dumb. Imagine 100 people who think they know what they’re doing trying to set up a bunch of custom networking.

    That’s your dorm.

    Most dorms either outright prohibit using personal hardware like that or require the schools IT department to install it themselves and set it up.

    Run a network of your own someday and you’ll understand. It’s hard enough to get your own network working perfectly without a bunch of wildcards popping up everywhere.

  • “what property is altered”

    Ummm, the part where you are a continuous object that is suddenly disassembled.

    Dont be intentionally obtuse. Yes, this is a ship of thesis type problem, but there’s a very clear point when you stop being “you” - when you’re a stream of atoms. Although many versions of a teleporter don’t transmit the atoms, only the data of how they’re arranged. In that case, you are very distinctly a photocopy, as no original atoms remain.

    In the case of atom transfer, you stop being you during the time you are a bundle of atoms with no consciousness. Some people believe we’re like a forever stew and if you shut it down like that and reboot it, it’s not the “same” stew anymore because it wasn’t just the emergence of the consciousness, but the specific emergence itself. Essentially You v1 died in its sleep and You v2 seamlessly took it’s place without knowing. Tho that line of thought could applied to sleeping and loss of consciousness during surgery.

    All of this is to say it’s not a cut and dry answer and people claiming there’s a diffinitive, clear cut answer are incorrect. It’s a complex question that touches on the very nature of our existence and is still hotly debated. Even academics who believe we are purely chemical machines debate exactly how that works.

  • If this gains any traction, I hope every news site, blog, etc sues Reddit for profiting off their material that fills the entire site. The comment section wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t something to comment on in the first place. Digg and Reddit didn’t even have comments at first. It was ALL content from other sources. Even “reddit original content” is" original content from a creator posted to Reddit". Reddits “value” is ephemeral.

  • And the odds of any of that actually happening? How exactly are you going to regulate the growth of industries internationally in a way that doesn’t just end up offshoring the pollution to poor countries like it already has been for centuries?

    Dudes right, we need a dues ex machina to save us. We won’t make meaningful changes until it’s profitable to do so. So expect to see a lot of companies transition into cooling and environmental control. Because they won’t address the core problem, just sell you bandaids for the symptoms. The next advancement won’t be “less emissions”, it’ll be “this new coolant cools 35% better”.

    Look at heat pumps. Its literally just an AC unit that can swap the hot and cold side with a valve. It’s nothing new. But it’s the new “miracle cure” to all your heating and cooling needs. Just run your electricity that most likely comes from a coal power plant and smugly think about how you personally aren’t using gas to do it!

    We won’t fix it ourselves without major intervention.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.worldJoe Biden ends re-election campaign
    2 months ago

    I think part of the reason it feels like “wtf are you doing?!?” is because we were really saying “Joe needs to step the fuck up or step aside” and then in the last week he’s thrown some absolute hard hits at Trump making it look like “holy shit, we got old Joe back!”. Then suddenly after appearing to wake up, he goes “nah, I’m good.”.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he’s stepping aside. But it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster and not a very consistent message. They kept telling us to shut up and follow Biden and anyone who doesn’t is supporting facism and then suddenly, “nah, not Biden, it’s cool”? You can’t pump a rhetoric machine up and then expect the brakes to stop it instantly.