Living 20 minutes into the future. Eccentric weirdo. Virtual Adept. Time traveler. Thelemite. Technomage. Hacker on main. APT 3319. Not human. 30% software and implants. H+ - 0.4 on the Berram-7 scale. Furry adjacent. Pan/poly. Burnout.

I try to post as sincerely as possible.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Some years ago, I had a client with a really fucked up set of requirements:

    • Must run Gentoo Linux. (No, I don’t know why. But it was written into the project specs and everybody who had to sign off did.)
    • Must use LUKS for FDE.
    • Login (loosely interpreted as “booting up”) must have MFA.

    This was during the days when booting into a LUKS encrypted Gentoo install involved copy-and-pasting a shell script out of the Gentoo wiki and adding it to the initrd. I want to say late 2006 or early 2007.

    I remember creating a /boot partition, a tiny little LUKS partition (512 megs, at most) after it, and the rest of the drive was the LUKS encrypted root partition. The encrypted root partition had a randomly generated keyfile as its unlocker; it was symmetrically encrypted using gnupg and a passphrase before being stored in the tiny partition. The tiny partition had a passphrase to unlock it. gnupg was in the initrd. I think the workflow went something like this:

    • System boots up.
    • Script in the initrd prompted the user for the passphrase for the tiny LUKS partition. (first authentication step)
    • User entered passphrase.
    • Script in the initrd unlocked the tiny partition and prompted the user for the passphrase to decrypt the root partition’s keyfile stored therein.
    • User entered the symmetric passphrase for keyfile. (second authentication step_
    • Script used the passphrase to decrypt the keyfile to stdout, piped into an evocation of cryptsetup to unlock the root partition.
    • /dev/mapper/root mounted, /boot mounted, boot process continued.
    • User logged into the box.

    I don’t miss those days.

  • I was starting college (comp.sci, natch) and a hard req for the program was “Your own personal computer, with an Ethernet card and an OS that had a TCP/IP stack for remotely accessing classwork.” I didn’t have a great deal of money (most of it was tied up in tuition and housing) and ethernet cards were expensive (I think I paid $140us for it at the time). I couldn’t afford Windows and didn’t have a warez hookup for '95. A BBS I used to call had Slackware disk images for download.

    The rest, as they say, is history.