• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • In that case I would pickup a cheap USB Ethernet dongle (or 2 if the laptop doesn’t have an onboard one)

    Wall > Ethernet 1 and router > Ethernet 2

    Configure windows to share Ethernet 1 connection to Ethernet 2 (Builtin functionality since Windows 7 iirc)

    Configure the router for minimal power to the radios, use your laptop to handle captive portal and there should be no DHCP interference concerns with the Windows laptop on the middle in this fashion

    Boom done, congratulate yourself a lil for a small win over corporate greed lol

  • Can I reasonably run it at low power (since I only need it in my room) and not have it bother anyone?

    Yes, this is one of those things that as long as you do it properly and don’t interfere with anything nothing will happen

    Reduce power to minimal levels, choose a band far away from the WiFi in your area (There are a number of WiFi scanning apps on the app stores) and ensure you plug in the Ethernet from the wall into the WAN port on the router so your router can handle DHCP without interfering with University DHCP networking (though it might make getting through the captive portal tricky)

  • them triangulating it to my room and starting a legal case or something sounds real scary.

    It’s also incredibly unlikely unless you’re actually causing problems

    If you really want wireless, do the Ethernet > Desktop/Laptop with hotspot and limit it’s TX power WAY down to minimal levels.

    You should be able to use it within your dorm room fine, but will have trouble penetrating beyond the walls and will also make detecting and triangulation quite difficult

  • Straw Man Fallacy: A straw man fallacy occurs when someone misrepresents an opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack or refute. Instead of addressing the actual issue, the person creates a distorted version of the argument that is easier to discredit.

    This is what you have done in every single reply you made when I have made it quite clear that this is about the migration being an urgent security issue that the cyber security community at large has been calling attention to.

    You avoid all the core points I make and distort them into trivial things that you can easily argue, like the fact that you “Don’t code C much and use Rust occasionally”. It’s irrelevant to the actual arguments and you use it to dismiss the real core issues AKA a Straw Man fallacy

    You have failed to argue in good faith and are actually a part of the problem. Good job!