• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Mint is great.

    I use Linux Mint cinnamon on a daily basis, typically with one or two command line terminals open at all times (one normal and one in a docker container), and with some kind of code always open too. I use 4 monitors as well, which the same machine can’t handle when I boot into windows.

    No apologies and no regrets. Being user friendly doesn’t mean it’s limited. It uses Ubuntu and Debian stuff after all, just with the controversial Ubuntu stuff removed.

  • You give them way too much credit. They look for negativity and outrage and persecution in everything, not reason and investment and public benefit. To them the biggest danger to the American economy is liberals taking the money from the working folk and giving it to the welfare queens to cover their Lexus leases or whatever.

    What’s that you say? The government is taking the middle class’s money to subsidize wealthy people not paying taxes? Why are you so JeaLoUS? Why do you want to PuNiSh SuCcEsS rather than rewarding it, comrade? Now stop trying to give free food to growing children who didn’t earn it you monster!

  • I think there’s a worthwhile distinction between somebody “deserving” a consequence, versus having it coming because they (wholly or partially) brought it upon themselves.

    The classic example is drunk driving. We don’t execute people for it, nor should we. But when somebody is hammered and runs into a tree at 2x the speed limit, they kind of had that coming even though it IS still a tragedy. We look at the silver lining that at least they didn’t take any innocents with them.

    In this case, of course the racism is bad and shameful, and it’s the same assholes doing it. It should not be happening. But when the already-existing racists get help from one of the very people they’re trying to marginalize… I mean this is exactly the kind of crap the leopards eating faces meme was created for. I shouldn’t need to explain the absurdity, lol.