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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2024

  • This never ends btw, right wing always needs an enemy or something to point a finger at. It starts with outside views and dissent, get rid of “others” and non believers. Then once it’s just your cult left, create more infighting. See north korea, you don’t love your country unless you have 20 posters of Trump! 19 is insufficient and you must be a communist! Only blonde men are soldier worthy, your family has bad genes. I know you voted red but you weren’t blonde enough.

    It’s so dumb it hurts, we’ve done this before. Just look at the current trump circle, it’s full of infighting and ladder climbing and bus tossing. It trickles down from the top, these are the people making blanket decisions that hundreds and thousands of others will enact onto millions.

  • It’s been going on too many places for too long to be more than a few things…

    It’s ours and we’re doing some sort of panic test or show of force

    It’s ours and we’re looking for something dangerous and don’t want anyone to know

    Its an enemy state and we’re either observing/gathering counter intel and don’t want to alert that state to our capabilities

    It’s an enemy state and we don’t want to have drones packed with ??? falling over homes

    It’s aliens ayyy

    There’s zero chance a military branch hasn’t had this on satellite 8k by now but nearly every situation means they will never disclose information to citizens.

  • If you don’t live off of interest from many millions invested, then you are working class. With enough money, it automates itself forever as long as your interest taken out to pay for your lifestyle is less than the rate at which it increases from its investments. If you make 7% gains but take 5% to live off of, the other 2% gets reinvested and added to the compound interest. 5m+ is 250k per year in interest at 5%.

  • It’s always so weird because it’s not like you can go to your primary doctor and say “I want X drug” right? Like, if there was a reason to give you a drug for something the doctor would have prescribed it. Also not ask you how you felt about them, just that here is X drug for your Y problem. If that doesn’t work we try Z.

    Or do people actually swap doctors over and over for months until they get one who says “ok dude”?