It’s not impolite to dig in and eat the food when it is fresh and hot.
It’s not impolite to dig in and eat the food when it is fresh and hot.
More like working class traitor.
I guess the secondary directive of the Federation is to gatekeep having fun?
Animation isn’t for children by default. Only boring, unimaginative people talk that way about animated stories.
Star Trek has always had violence.
Star Trek has often had profanity. In another alien language sure, but we all knew which Klingon words were curses.
Does sophomoric humor graduate to senior humor when it’s subtle enough that you didn’t catch it as a child? Humor is SUPER subjective and VERY sensitive to the current zeitgeist, so comparing humor across a franchise that has been around this long seems a little absurd. Data pushed Crusher into the ocean for a laugh, that seems pretty sophomoric to me. Bones regularly joked about Spock’s racial differences, that also seems pretty crude by today’s standards.
I’m absolutely seeing more of them. They’re all relatively new stickers on newer and older cars. They’re all of about the same few designs. They’re actual bumper stickers, not magnets or signs hung with suction cups in a rear windows, so they’re basically permanent. Permanent student driver stickers just don’t make any sense for their supposed purpose. The stickers are going to last so much longer than it would normally take anyone to become a mostly proficient driver.
For real though, why are there so many people (who are obviously not new or student drivers) driving around with those stickers? They seem to drive around like that sticker is a license to act like a complete fool on the road and is almost entirely unlike the dumb things your average student driver will do.
They’re almost certainly talking about the TNG episode “Pen Pals” where data makes friends with a little girl whose planet is dying.
This is why they are mostly sold with a bitterant outer coating. It should be pretty gross to just hold a recently purchased coil cell battery in your mouth these days.
A small percentage of hyper inflated prices over a large consumer base still equates to MASSIVE profits. It is a fundamental ethical flaw that we even allow for-profit medicine that is compounded by obvious cartel organization structures and corruption.
This whole idea that they “saved” it is philosophically flawed and deeply problematic from a moral and ecological perspective. Claiming that the mother “abandoned” it demonstrates ignorance of the way these animals live and care for their young.
Regardless, a proper wildlife rehabilitation program by a zoologist would have actually kept the moose alive and been in a position to judge if the moose was safe to be re-released. Your moose story could have easily ended in the death of people in addition to the moose. This isn’t some kind of vain high horse I’m on. It’s just simple facts learned through decades of direct experience with wild animals in the wild, in rehabilitation, and in zoos. I stand by my earlier statements. I’m sorry this bitter pill is hard for you to swallow I guess. So it goes.
Feeding wildlife, even one treated as a “pet”, is a death sentence for them just as surely as if you had fired the gun yourself. Your neighbor killed that moose.
Other prime examples include: feeding alligators (now you’ve created a danger to others as well, so you’ve not just killed the animal, which will need to be destroyed by officials, you’ve potentially maimed or killed a person); feeding ducks and geese (I once has a neighbor that would feed ducks in the parking island adjacent to the main entry to our apartment complex, no surprise to me that we saw many near misses and a few dead ducks in our driveway); bears (this one should be obvious, same scenario as the gators except bears are faster, climb trees, and are probably smarter than the average person they are going to encounter when they leave the woods looking for human food).
Undomesticated animals (wildlife/wild animals) are not pets. They’re never going to be pets. They’ve just learned to manipulate some humans for food or shelter. Maybe you’ll get along for a little while with them, but that relationship has poisoned the fear keeping them safe for and from other humans.
And, assuming that Scotty survives longer than the events of Star Trek Generations, after being rescued from that transporter, he’ll have lived longer than any of them. Pretty sure he hasn’t had an in universe death yet which has been stated, but he was still kicking in 2369.
Same, but CADD packages. Every UI is different for each app. Users each have unique configurations of buttons, ribbons, and task windows. Some apps even use completely different terms for identical concepts. Long ago I stopped remembering button and tool placement in autoCAD and just memorized commands because the GUI would completely change with every update and sometimes after a crash.
I love feeling feelings. It’s the people around me that don’t care to much for them usually.
There is no interpersonal conflict allowed in Gene’s vision of Starfleet. Oh they might but heads occasionally, but every episode resolves with everyone putting their differences aside to work as a team. It’s practically a cult mentality. Gene would not have let them write episodes telling those kinds of Dead-parent/Step-Parent/Oedipal stories. That doesn’t exactly excuse the bad writing of the Wesley episodes, but it does explain why the writing did not go to those places.
There will ALWAYS be mistakes, bias, and corruption. There is no such thing as incontrovertible evidence. And even if there was some fantastical magical way to know absolute truth, that is still a pretty poor justification for more murder.
Execution of innocent people is (and always has been) the entirely predictable, inevitable, and probably unavoidable result of capital punishment. There is no getting around the fact that, as long as the state executes prisoners, innocent people will be executed and “the state”, i.e. taxpayers, will pay more for it than they ever would have imprisoning the convicted for life.
Let this be a lesson to you then. Checking the logs should be your first troubleshooting step, not installing a variety of distros until one “just works”. Good luck.
Judge appointments work in a similar way, I assume other offices do as well. Judges often decide precisely when they are going to retire in order to manipulate how their replacement is chosen, by vote or by appointment. These positions SHOULD be mostly non-political and merit based in general. In reality, just like economics, politics is inevitably everywhere. The real solution here is to get out the vote for every election at every level, not just the big federal one every 4 years.
That’s the way voting in a Republic, where you’re not voting directly for every position, law, and amendment, should work. The Republic falls apart and corruption and manipulation of the public will becomes easier when people don’t turn out to vote at the smaller election cycles. The death of local news plays into this too as it becomes much more difficult to stay informed about the people and politics of those smaller local elections. If you think our representative system is broken and needs to change, the solution is the same, get out and vote for every election and support local investigative journalism.
Wheels are so boring! Why can’t they just innovate?!