• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Listen buddy.

    First of all, men are brutalizing women all over the world, every day, regardless of religion.

    You should think about religion as less of a driver and more of a record. Like a dictionary.

    People will do whatever they want to do, and then they will justify it. If there happens to be a few convenient passages in a religious text justifying setting your spouse on fire, they’ll repeat that until they’re blue in the face while dousing a woman in gasoline.

    And sure, you can say that they use that text to tech their kids, but they’re still just teaching the bits they want to.

    The point is, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, doesn’t matter. All major sacred books have bits about brutalizing women that step out of line, and the people that really like those bits tend to climg to them to justify being horrible fucking people.

  • Hi, I’m, among other things, an industrial safety guy.

    It’s understandable not to know this, but I’m industry there’s a standard practice of locking out equipment that’s being maintained. Either by physically placing a lock on the power box or by simply putting the plug to the device in your pocket for smaller equipment. And then ensuring that all the energy in the equipment has been exhausted and that the machine cannot be started.

    This is the subject of one of many annual trainings for everyone in any given facility.

    When changing blades or cleaning equipment, it would be standard that it’s locked out during this process. So wearing gloves and presumably arm guards to protect against laceration when working with blades would be not only acceptable but I imagine expected.

    Most of us have seen the “lathe video.” We know.

  • This hypothetical scenario assumes that stopping time is universal and instantaneous. Simultaneity in two reference frames, even when that doesn’t make sense. Someone on earth snaps their fingers, and in that same instant, some unwitting observer spends 100 earth solar cycles in frozen, abject terror.

  • Many years ago my grandfather was involved in an air force test of aerial defense platforms that used balloons.

    The idea was you could station these things all around the country and at the first sign of an attack you could have missiles launched from 10k feet to anywhere from anywhere.

    The test encountered two problems that caused them to abandon the idea.

    These balloons were incredibly easy to shoot down. Which would, presumably, rain volatile rocket fuel and munitions down on whatever was beneath them.

    And if a missile launched, but failed to separate completely from it’s housing, it would carry that balloon on a wild, unpredictable trajectory, until it collided with something or it decided it had reached it’s detonation time.