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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • Help them how? You think some Texas town can fix an immigrants life and process them for less than $1800 per head?

    The sanctuary cities have resources and infrastructure which texas biarder towns do not, splitting the large numbers of immigrants between them makes sense if those people are going to be living in the community until they’re processed. The prior method of keeping them in cages fed on gruel and afforded no humanity is rightfully ruled out so what other option is there?

    I agree that it should be better organized, maybe the receiving states should have an open and balanced dialog where they agree to pay for and organize transport themselves to ensure the people are treated with dignity and everything is organized for their arrival.

  • Six cities that declared themselves sanctuary cities? Surely those are the best places, they actively advertise migrants are welcome.

    And you say dumping them but then say they’re an economic and cultural benefit, surely if you believe that you think its great thes six democrat cities benefit?

    As for the cost, maybe those cities could send their own busses to collect them instead? Would be a strong move politically plus they could be better prepared for their arrival. But yes that’s not a huge amount of money for the logistics of moving people, cheaper than housing them all and paying all the other costs in the boarder towns they come from, cities have far more resources and better infrastructure. Though of course it wouldn’t be popular for the local politician because as we’ve seen the sanctuary cities get upset when faced with the reality of large numbers of immigrants.

  • It’s funny that any time these companies are brought up everyone says they’re dangerous yet the second one listens to the sorts of studies about negative affects that get quoted here all the time everyone suddenly decides actually its censorship or brainwashing or corporate greed and that it’s evidence they’re evil…

    Scientific studies said this content can harm developing children so they made efforts to mitigate harm, is it really so hard just to say ‘oh thats good, well done’ and if so then doesn’t that tell you a lot about your own motivations?

  • The problem is youribe can only have one page of information and that has to be the front page offering old, new, expected and unexpected content in one easy to view list.

    You know what would happen if they had a second list that only showed your subscribed content? Literally no one would click on it and everyone would complain it doesn’t exist, they proved this in a test where they had that exact feature on every single person’s page since they started but here we still are people complaining that their subscriptions don’t always show up on the fyp (algo page)

  • Yeah it’s weird a lot of people are stuck on fat off on either sides of the sensible opinion - some people seem to think that their ten min with Chat gpt 3.5 was enough to demonstrate that the whole concept of LLMs is stupid while others think it shows them that it’s a godlike technology incapable of error.

    Reality is there’s a lot of great ways AI and especially LLMs can currently help education but we’re far from it being ready to replace human teachers. Probably in five years it’ll be a standard part of most educations systems much like how online homework portals and study guides have become since my own time in school, maybe by 2035 well have moved to systems where ai education tools are in every school and providing higher quality education than most human teachers, possibly by 2040-50 home schooling via ai tools will be a more common option than other forms of education.

    Though I wouldn’t be too shocked if it happened sooner it will require new developments in AI that aren’t yet in the development stage.

    That all said I bet this article is exaggerating reality and they will have human teachers involved at every step and overseeing activities.

  • The assumptions of how china thinks in this thread are hilarious, so many people just making stuff up because it allows them to feel superior.

    Especially you throwing big numbers around which you clearly don’t have any concept of what they represent, you saw memes that china killed 50 million people and instead of having any curiosity you just use it as a crude cudgel and swing meaninglessly. It’s sad but also kind of funny to me, if you had any concept of history you could have written a post that makes sense but instead you just want to find an excuse to call people stupid - is that not ironic to you, calling out people for stupid politics when you know full well you’ve just invented your argument based on zero actual understanding of what you’re talking about? Isn’t that a far better example of stupid politics for stupid people?

    There’s plenty of good reasons to call this statement as its presented stupid but you missed them all and went for something stupid.

  • It’s a super complex situation, a large part of our economic crisis is actually because traditionally impoverished nations which we used to exploit freely now have growing economies, education, and workers protections so we’re not able to import raw materials so cheaply - even places like C.A.R., Bangladesh and similar have effective government polices focused on improving workers rights and fighting outside corruption - CAR for example has already implemented strong regulation on most it’s lithium mines and ongoing processes are tightening up conditions in the remaining areas.

    This isn’t something we really like to address but it’s very significant in global economics and western markets, the math of it all is complex because while we’re not able to exploit these areas freely new economies allows for more trade however our western advantage is also now fading so where we once had huge auto markets, monopolies on high-end computer tech and even good steel this just not true anymore as advances in once 3rd world economies and tech makes it possible for world class manifacturing to happen almost anywhere.

    Factory automation is actually what’s saving us from far worse economic effects of this global rug pull, it used to take several man hours to make products we can now produce in a fraction of a man second. I’ll draw some diagrams if you want but a key metric is production potential per capita which is the amount of things that can be made per person, if it takes ten people a day to make one thing then that thing should cost about ten days labour to buy that thing - of course also including the time taken to pack, transport, and all the other requires steps, and each step has its own costs that must be split into the cost, a truck or train journey adds not just the journey but the fraction of the cost of the vehicle and its many parts when split between its lifetime utility…

    It’s even more complex math when we try to think of the best choice, a real traveling salesman problem, a very expensive train will reduce time and cost per journey so if in its lifetime it gets a lot of use then it’ll pay itself back but it it doesn’t then we’re never recapturing the initial cost. Manufacturing has been churning on this problem for the last few decades, it’s the same problem we get when deciding when to launch a trip to the nearest star - the first ship to launch will likely get overtaken by a far more advanced one launched 100 years later. Do you automate now or wait for the next gen tools that cost half as much to install and run?

    So to go back to where we were, our easily exploited 3rd world labour force is drying up and so is our access to cheap resources and so is our high-value and luxury goods market - if we weren’t able to upgrade our tooling at the same time these markets evolved then it’d take a lot of people just to dig the coal needed to smelt the steel for a car engine and each car, tractor, delivery van would have to reflect that in its price and availability - even in pure communism without inequity the math simply doesn’t allow everyone to live well.

    Automation has allowed us to drastically lower the time it takes to create things which means someone acting as a worker in that chain should be able to afford a far larger amount of things produced In that economy, if one person can supervise machines making a million resistors a day rather than making one per day by hand then every step in the economy that requires a resistor has the cost of that piece cut to one millionth.

    There’s a number of reasons this isn’t very obvious in our lived experience beside the fact it’s offsetting the loss of exploitable poor people, rising living standards is a big one - even just the foods we regularly eat or have the option to eat are wild compared to fifty years ago. We rely on things that are hugely advanced like mobile phones, social media, public transport when previously the only option was to not talk to people or go places unless you’re super rich.

    There is of course a other obvious reason and that’s the abaurd levels of inequality that we accept as normal, not just private jets and yachts but our whole society is structured to afford pointless luxury to some while others have to scrabble just to be alive, this is a form of stratification based on power which happens all through history and often causes old orders to collapse. The people with some economic power use it to exploit those without, in our economy things like increasing property portfolios by using money earned in rent to purchase more rental properties and that sort of behavior but also the increasing focus on luxury goods as that’s where the profit is, why make a business targeting poor people when tailoring it to rich people will earn you more? Hence so many absurd and pointless industries have huge budgets but poor people things don’t even get tried - those industries benefit from the work of everyone but only benefit the affluent.

    I’ve already written too much but I will say if people learned how amazing open source is and could be then we could solve so.much of the inequality here and globally which would help us poors to enjoy the real benefit of automated manufacturing.

  • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.workstomemes@lemmy.worldWho does this?!
    7 days ago

    Lemmy users are honestly some of the most troubled and scary people in our society, seriously keep a mental count of how many weirdly violent posts you see on here it’s actually unhinged.

    And yes I understand this is a joke but my point is someone who sees this joke and reposts it is weird in a troubling way.

  • For many it’s not the only thing but it’s an important option when something comes up or things don’t go according to plan, when the choice is ends don’t meet so you need to borrow money from a predatory lending service to avoid eviction or repossession or starvation then having the option of working evenings and weekends is a life saver.

    Likewise people who work like I do where I can earn what I need to most the time, even do well occasionally, but there might be a quiet period out of my control then gig work is again a real life saver.

    And yes there are ‘alternatives’ but once this is killed they get killed too, I’ve been looking at the job market recently and it’s very hard to find work that isn’t ‘you will work to our schedule which might change on a whim and if you ever so much as ask about a week or two unpaid time off you’re out’

    They already mostly fucked up gig work here in the uk, my American friends have a far easier time and earn better because we purposely scuppered them so that people can’t have any self sufficiency, freedom or determination. If I was in charge there would be a government body that helps people get in on work like this when needed, not policies to make sure people in difficult times or positions can’t do anything but devote their entire being to finding a corporation to live for.