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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • I think you’re missing the point. Bringing in difficult to obtain weapons as part of the conversation muddies the conversation about controlling the currently ubiquitous weapons being used.

    As an analogy, let’s say someone blows something up and hurts people, using dynamite or homemade explosive using gun powder:

    “Anyone who has access to the dynamite and RPGs and C-4 should be held responsible for what’s done with it!”

    “Wait, there was an RPG or C4? I’m pretty sure outside the military it’s pretty difficult to get ahold of either of those. They’re already heavily regulated.”

    “What difference does it make? They’re explosives used to blow things up and kill people.”

    “Right, but, again, those are heavily regulated, while what happened was with dynamite, which is not.”

    “OH! So it’s OKAY since the dynamite is not as regulated!”

    “No, it’s just a different conversation about RPGs and C4.”

    “Only if you have an agenda!”


    “Anyone who purchases dynamite should be responsible for what happens to it, unless they can show they’ve properly secured it and didn’t give access to it to someone they shouldn’t.”

    “Agreed, dynamite and gunpowder explosives are common and not as regulated as they should be.”

  • “I want you to notice… when I’m not around…”

    Cut to Harris smiling and waving with some of her campaign goals on screen

    “You’re so very special… I wish I was special…”

    Cut to Trump with his duck face pose, with various SA accusations, “grab them by the pussy” quotes, and 34 convictions.

    “But I’m a creep… I’m a weirdo…”

    Cut to Trump looking confused and tired.

    “What the hell am I doing here?”

    Cut to Trump standing awkwardly near previous presidents, or just a picture of presidents from both parties talking without him in it.

    “I don’t belong here…”

    Cut to sad dejected Trump

    “I don’t… belong… here.”

  • Yeah, I’ve been reviewing her record because of all the hate, and I definitely don’t like a former DA as VP/President, but… her record is surprising good from what I can see. She sponsored a ton of good bills, was fairly left-leaning (for a US politician) on the bills she sponsored, and even while a DA/AG she refused to seek the death penalty and tried to work against racist behavior in police (without actually, you know, holding any of them accountable). She wasn’t perfect by any stretch, and she was still a DA who is practically a cop, but she seemed to be one of the better ones (I know, low bar).

    I’m not really understanding all the hate she is getting, even from her own side. The amount of “hold your nose and vote for her” seems out of proportion for her record.

  • So to preface, I am absolutely and without reservation against the death penalty, so any state-sanctioned murder is unacceptable to me.

    That being said, if they’re going for painless, why not just a captive bolt stunner the their brain stem? Like, having them lie back in a massage table with a container for the blood (heaven forbid the audience should experience the discomfort of gore with their death spectacle), and just pop it when it’s time. Guaranteed to shut them off, mess is handled, suitable for a casket, and no suffering. They wouldn’t even have a chance to feel it.

    And if the thought of putting a human down like cattle is disturbing to you, good. It should be, just like any other way we would keep somebody locked up waiting to be killed.

  • So many of these stories are months or even years after the fact because unless the media gets on it, the incident gets buried immediately, and by the time the media gets ahold of it any investigation is challenging because it’s either so long after the fact or police “lost” evidence.

    It being reported immediately starts the accountability and makes it much more likely that there will be an investigation in the first place. Either you are too young to remember or just weren’t noticing, but reports of police killing unarmed minorities was exceptionally rare a few decades ago. Cops got away with anything and everything. That’s where Black Lives Matter came from, getting the mainstream media (and the justice department) to care when a black person gets killed.