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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • The entire point of contention is why any member would be ok with non-members using services you pay for without paying.

    I feel like you’re projecting. I never said it was your job or mine to police who shops at Costco.

    I replied to another comment of yours that was wrong and looked through your comment history. Are you a Costco employee? You are very combative in multiple comment threads.

    I have to believe you either work for Costco or have such a cult like love for them you default to shilling on their behalf.

  • It’s why you can use the pharmacy

    Wrong, Costco cannot legally prevent you from using the pharmacy. All health services are available to the public by law. Alcohol too although that law is because they are issued a public license.

    Can you provide an example of anything Costco makes available to the general public the same as their members when they don’t have to?

    The closest I can think of is online shopping but that adds a 5% surcharge and I don’t even know if you still can do that.

    Your membership is paying to be able to shop there, the advantage being the lower prices they achieve by purchasing wholesale and limiting markup, no more than 14% for regular and 15% for Kirkland I think.

    Edit: I looked at your comment history. Don’t bother replying, I’m not interested in anything you have to say and I can go to a Costco if I want to be pitched on their membership.

  • Not expect praise for something that hasn’t happened?

    Where did I demand Biden be praised?

    Centrists demand credit for non-accomplishments because they prefer to accomplish nothing.

    When did I demand Biden get credit?

    Often on social media the same people who decry one side behaving like authoritarian dictators act like it’s acceptable for their side to behave like gasp authoritarian dictators.

    Yes, some people like to give undue credit but you’re just the other side of that coin shitting on any action that is taken.

    Instead of engaging in the discussion you resort to snark, assumptions and insults. It’s clear you have nothing to contribute, engaging with you any further would be a waste of my time.

    Have a day!

  • Why does everybody post this tidbit but not the fact that the White House continued working with the rail companies after all of the strike talk and the Tentative Agreement and many rail workers got sick time as well?

    I’m not speaking to their stance on unions, just the fact that the President’s job is to represent their constituency, just like all politicians. An economic crash due to a rail shutdown doesn’t benefit any person in the US.

    I support unions and workers right to strike but at the cost of potential economic collapse?

    I think more focus should be given to the lack of visible support on pro union/worker legislation.