I have noticed that I get less motion sick in some games on my new 240hz screen, but unfortunately I still get it.
That said, I’m unsure what my actual fps is in Doom/E but I’d wager somewhere around 100.
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
I have noticed that I get less motion sick in some games on my new 240hz screen, but unfortunately I still get it.
That said, I’m unsure what my actual fps is in Doom/E but I’d wager somewhere around 100.
Checking FOV and disabling motion blur, chromatic abberation, and DoF are my first things before I even start a new game.
I just assume it’s because I’m getting older, and I’m not sitting in a proper chair most of the time.
Don’t use mods you don’t like. It’s quite the Shocker, I know.
Also don’t shit on other people for using mods you don’t like. Whether it’s the “intended experience” or not.
If I want to drive through Red Dead Redemption 2 in a lifted Nissan altima rocking light strips, spinners, and a massive spoiler, I shouldn’t have to deal with a thousand nerds telling me it’s not historically accurate or it “ruins the game”
(note: if someone knows of a car mod for rdr2 I’d actually like to use a car for the lols)
If someone wants to play skyrim with their massive dong hanging out of their chainmail bikini, while dual welding the keyblade and master sword to fight Gnasty Gnork then let them do that in peace.
Okay I have a confession to make…
I haven’t finished a Doom since Doom 3 (2004).
I have loved every minute of Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal, but I haven’t finished either of them.
I get too motion sick to play video games like that anymore.
Even Titanfall I have to take a break between levels.
I’ll finish them someday, I promise…
Prey was the first game in a long time to make me stop and go “what the fuuuuuuuck?” in a long time.
It’s a good feeling.
I’d absolutely love to know where the team expected to take the story after the ending(s) if they made a direct sequel.
More like Prey, for sure.
I have lived near two solar projects in Ohio in the last decade.
In both instances the fields had been completely unused for years. With one being completely unmaintained and growing wild, to the delight of all manner of critters I’m sure.
Both had been sold by the property owners, and not to industrial owners. One was even helping power my house and a local hospital when they got it turned on.
Both had people in pickup trucks plow through during construction that damaged a ton of stuff.
Both had sudden extremely vocal opposition out of nowhere, with signs popping up all over yards and intersections about how we should be using farmland “for food, not wokeness”
Both have had drive-by shootings in the middle of the night after completion that ultimately only damaged a couple things (probably because rednecks aren’t exactly accurate when shooting from a moving vehicle, nor do they usually know the important tech bits to target for maximum damage)
I just think it’s interesting that people who have never set foot on a farm suddenly got concerned about a plot of land already not being used for farming that would continue going unfarmed. Especially since some of them I knew personally and up to a point had been praising the solar projects for “freeing people from profit hungry power companies”
Almost like they didn’t know much about it until someone told them what to think…
I tried explaining tariffs to my in-laws.
They genuinely think that other countries will be paying the extra cost for the privilege of trading with the USA.
Completely refuse to believe they have to pay the extra cost out of their own pocket or the company will sell elsewhere.
Edit to add, these in-law’s also think China is still mostly like their media-based perception of feudal Japan. As in “they only have two modern cities, Beijing and Tokyo” type of “knowledge” of China.
I had put so many hours into trying to sort my bases for NG that I didn’t even want to try and start over for NG+.
If I ever DO decide to pick it up again, assuming the save is still compatible I made a separate save file before finishing the game just to be sure.
Who knows, maybe someone will make mods to make it the game we all wanted it to be and I’ll give it another go.
Star field couple have been a lot of things if people who haven’t picked up a controller in decades hadn’t decided to try and make it as generic and casual as possible.
And maybe it’s just me, but the second I
finished the portal and restarted the game
, I lost all interest in playing the game itself.
They made the content of individual plays not matter to me, so once I did a few speed runs to the finish line I just deleted the game and haven’t played it since.
Also i could never figure out their base management system. I was hoping for something like “fallout 4 settlements in space” but all I got was “way less complicated Satisfactory”.
I stopped playing about a month after it came out, so there’s a chance they fixed some issues that I didn’t know were issues, but I still haven’t had the desire to try playing it again.
My wife isn’t quite nerdy enough to get this yet, and my parents haven’t watched TNG in so long they don’t remember the phrase.
I have nobody who gets this in my life…
News flash!
This, just in: “Leaders of capitalist meat grinders prepared to lie to keep money flowing and try to pull in more”
I’m shocked.
Hey, I’ve seen this one.
A prehistoric virus is gonna infect someone with coldness until a plucky US-Marshall-turned-sherrif saves the day with his science-mined friends and colleagues.
Having just finished all 3 on my pc…
Dafuq you smokin, Bruh…
I will say though, 1 is the cluniest of them, for sure.
My 30 year old grandma car can make it to 40 before I clear the entire intersection most of the time.
10mph is less than the indoor go-kart track barriers near me are rated for.
Security theater at its finest.
Honestly, anyone who paid mild attention in chemistry class can figure out some of the easier explosives.
Every single company pouring money into the incinerator is positive they’ll be the one to crack actually useful AI or even actual GAI.
I didn’t know shit could clump that high without supports…
You know, I was about to jump on this deal but then I noticed the shipping costs
Bruh I’m not paying for shipping, no deal.
Oh look, it’s that time of the decade again.
More half life 3 rumors.
Wake me when Gabe holds a copy in his hand to announce it to the world, to be released immediately.
But… But… I’ve been assured by many old people that heat pumps are super inefficient, waste tons of electricity, and only work about 10 degrees from outside temps!
Surely these people wouldn’t have lied or misrepresented the facts in order to support their own warped worldviews where renewable energy and efficiency measures are evil and Jesus wants them to shoot up power substations near solar projects…
… I really need to move out of the Bible belt…