Alt account of for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Personally for me its about the double standard. When we perform small scale “theft” to experience things we’d be willing to pay for if we could afford it and the money funded the artists, they throw the book at us. When they build a giant machine that takes all of our work and turns it into an automated record scratcher that they will profit off of and replace our creative jobs with, that’s just good business. I don’t think it’s okay that they get to do things like implement DRM because IP theft is so terrible, but then when they do it systemically and against the specific licensing of the content that has been posted to the internet, that’s protected in the eyes of the law

  • My view as an anarchosocialist is that we have to do everything we can to get the best possible result every step of the way. We don’t live in a country in the US that allows us to vote any way but strategically. We must always be assessing what the best outcome we can get in any given situation is. Unfortunately in electoral politics that often means the most compromised candidate because anyone else will result in a regressive. The question becomes “what do we do after the election to press the government into actually representing us”

    In a lot of ways I think that’s voting blue no matter who until the regressive party is made irrelevant. Once the regressive party is irrelevant we can start treating the dems as the regressives they truly are and working on getting election reform and ranked choice voting. We can’t get any of that if we allow for any room for a Donald Trump presidency. He wants to blow up the entire system and fill the power vacuum with his own self. For the rest of us who want to dismantle the entire system, the purpose is not to have a dictator, but rather to eliminate hierarchy. We are in an extremely dangerous position this year. If we’re ever going to disrupt the powers that be, we can’t ever allow for any kind of monarch as that’s a step 300 years backwards.

    So my advice? Vote for Harris, and then take to the streets and protest the ways she doesn’t represent us. Palestine deserves to be free. Oppressed peoples deserve reparations. The cold war was a modern race to rape Africa a la the late 19th century and the peoples harmed in the mad scramble to see if capitalism or Bolshevism was more effective at spreading cannot recover until we fundamentally decolonize the world. The cost of the suffering we inflict doesn’t even need to be viewed abroad to be seen. Appalachian coal fields and fracking operations are acts of violence against the land and the people who live on it. Prison labor is a form of slavery and is only palatable to our modern sensibilities as we contrast it with the peculiar institution of chattel slavery instead of comparing it with the history of slavery throughout time. The only opportunities we afford native Americans to live on the land we stole from them is if they pay us in money whose value is rooted in the value of that very stolen land via the mortgage system.

    Don’t let Donald Trump be president. Don’t let President Harris off the hook for the violence the position she is taking over is responsible for.

  • You’re misunderstanding what I mean when I say smaller communities and that’s partially on me. The largely anonymous city is the unit of organization I champion as being the ideal target. We want populous cities that are self organized and self sufficient. Personally, my experience with this independent and dispassionate arbiter has never been good, so my vision for community policing moves away from a paid police force to the mechanisms I’ve already invested myself more in in the forms of mutual aid and support.

    Smaller in this case is a comparison between countries that span across nearly entire continents vs the idea of a city state. We also need to protect ourselves from multinational companies that are so anonymous and foreign to the people they exploit that it’s impossible to hold them accountable

  • For sure. That one I can at least… Understand or appreciate that it is related to how hard it is to host potentially illegal content in the jurisdiction the instance is hosted in. But the way the MB/FC situation has been handled is… Embarrassing. Like there’s no way to defend it other than “you yourselves are biased and you want to dictate the kind of bias that is acceptable”

    It speaks to a lack of media literacy by the moderation administration of the instance

  • and if you’re not a member of the favored class they won’t respond even then. In fact, they might make your situation worse just to do it. I got pickpocketed in Louisville and the police basically told me that not having my wallet anymore was a problem I’d have to navigate on my own. Later that day they busted me for driving without a license and vagrancy because I was trying to leave Louisville to return home to VA.

    I cannot emphasize enough that when people ask questions to me when I say we should dissolve the police and start anew with some new mechanism for handling crime such as “who will you call when you’re the victim of a crime” my answer is almost never the police because its very rare for them to do anything useful