I’m a filthy fucking socialist.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • You seem to misunderstand.

    Prejudice exists throughout all people and cultures.

    White Supremacy is a focused method of prejudice.

    Racism is a tool of white supremacy.

    Racism towards Jews, PoC, indigenous, etc. has created societal disparities.

    White people are not victims of those societal disparities, and cannot be a target of racism, because again, racism is a specific tool of white supremacy.

    You’re thinking of prejudice, which will never go away.

    But racism can go away.

  • Polls fluctuate wildly due to the limited number of people who are contacted. A single percentage point could literally just be 1 person, or less than a person if the sample size is small enough. As such, polls are not indicative of reality. [Here’s a clip from Joe Rogan’s stand up that I still agree with: https://youtu.be/Y4vpw6MfRlA]

    Polls can influence undecided voters into thinking things are okay. People are creatures of habit, of momentum. Change is hard. And if you see something that keeps your feet in place, you’re less likely to take action.

    In short: polls DON’T matter, go vote!