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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Dude, conservatives are literally burning banning books everywhere in the country where they have power. They’ve even banned books meant to encourage girls to learn how to code. Real bananas stuff, imo

    I appreciate you’re trying to communicate well and you seem authentic and all, but it’s very difficult to take your position seriously when it feels like you’re not trying to challenge your own beliefs. There’s a ton of evidence of conservative censorship going as far back as McCarthyism and interment camps, to rock and roll and rap music, to even burning comic books in the 50s, and that’s just thinking of the US. There’s a very long history of white conservative Christians censoring almost everything popular going back like hundreds of years

    As a personal anecdote, my cousin had to break his pokemon gameboy games and burn his pokemon cards because his dipshit mom abusive mother thought they were satanic, simply because her church said so. I got some cool, holographic cards out of it, but I never forgot how messed up that was

  • I agree! We should look to what is acceptable in China to learn what we should deem acceptable in the US. We should do this despite everything we know and have learned about China. Who needs to actually understand what young people like about the app anyway? We should just make sure only the oldest and most decrepit among us weigh in on this issue

    Bring back the comics code authority! Don’t ever talk your kids about the media they consume! And for sure never learn from your history (granted, comics were an American thing, but Americans legit couldn’t simply ask their kids what theyr were reading about and basically still can’t)

    /s (sorry I struggle with communication and sarcasm was easier)

  • Thanks. That makes sense

    Who would be Enron in this scenario? I’m thinking of openai or Nvidia but can’t imagine they’re at risk of much. The game seems far more rigged in favor of corpos than 20 yrs ago. Can’t imagine how they could ever fall off at this point. Or, say a company like Netflix which I’m is using tons of algorithms…

    Wait a min. Isn’t AI now used as a catch all for any and all tech laymen don’t understand? Do you specifically mean llamas are being overhyped (had to leave the autocorrect version of LLMs)?

    Sorry, if I’m slow to the anti-AI party. It’s been hard figuring out what’s sensationalism, what’s contrarianism, and what’s legit nowadays (or maybe I’m just getting dumber :D)

  • If they were justifying slavery because a few dudes killed some kids?

    Uhh… I don’t think you understoood what I wrote.

    I’m specifically saying it doesn’t matter how many kids one mob of people killed in comparison to the sanctioning and proliferation of chattel slavery for the sole purpose of increasing profits for a few wealthy white men.

    Personally, if someone told me ‘yeah, slavery was bad but there was this one group of slaves that killed a bunch of kids so actually slavery was kinda justified.’ Well, I’d have to disagree and I’d tell them to stop talking to me. And then I’d think what a … (censored so I don’t get banned)

  • I totally get that. I’m not saying it’s cool or anything. I’m specifically saying if we use that relatively minor **retaliation ** as justification to be 10x worse or 1000x worse then it almost doesn’t matter what the they did because it’s not even comparable.

    I’ll be honest, personally, of all the American history I’ve learned I couldn’t care less about what the group led by Nat Turner did to the group literally led by the various presidents of the US. It barely registers. It’s more like random gang violence driven by ignorant, emotional passion, where as what Americans were doing was legit calculated genocide (destroying culture, in this case, since obviously they were still breading people for profit) - it was done methodically and done to maximize profits and political power.

  • I’m with you on violence bad, but if you were to consider Nat Turner’s rebellion, where many enslaved Africans escaped their captors and murdered white Americans (including women and children), as justification for slave owning Americans being unjustly brutal towards Africans and prohibiting them from learning to read, most people would justly tell you to fuck off and say those people that thought they could own other human beings based solely on the color of their skin should be condemned for all eternity. Hell they might even say those Africans didn’t kill enough of those evil whites

    I’d say, you’ll never achieve peace by attacking the other side, but you can only achieve peace if both sides want it. White Americans in the South during 1938 absolutely did not want peace with African Americans in much the same way Israelis don’t want peace with Palestinians today. It’s oversimplified but this feeling has always gone mostly one way. Black Americans have mostly just wanted peace, they don’t want revenge. The same goes for Palestinians. It’s truly amazing how hard it is/was for many white Americans and Israelis to learn and accept that fact.